Anyone up for playing soccer?

Im carl, i know i dont know many people on here but i know a few. I was just curious if anyone would ever be interested in playing pick up soccer, maybe on weekends, me and my friend mike are 20 and 22 and usually play for a couple hours. If anyone is interested let me know and if we get enough we can set something up. I am a decent soccer player but this is just for fun.


umm… you dont really have to post if ya dont want to play… and ugh, nick? is there something im missing here?

i’m dead from a game this morning

i’d be in for some other time though

hi i am bryan. i am 23 and have a semi athletic build. i like long walks on the beach and a night out on the town. sometimes when i am alone i enjoy putting on the Mamma Mia soundtrack and belt out the tunes at the top of my lungs.

i recently moved to the area after being in school so i am looking for the company of an older man. i like to talk freely about anything. my friends call me wiskers becuase i am curious like a cat. if i was a hotdog and starving, i would eat me. would you?

i would love to “hang out” with ya some time. are ya usually available late at nights?

Im Steve and I love to party…

They play rough Whiskers…you might like it.


Hmm. Im 28 and like playing with younger boys . Not but really I’d be up for it if I didnt know that I would die 5 minutes into the game. I havent played soccer since high school.

lol thats fine i havent played any sports in about 5 years, you could always just stay in net.

i might be able to come and play some ball with you guys just as long as it is not at epic or sportsplex

id be me the next time you guys set something up or just to shoot around

we usually just play at parks or schools. If ya want to pm me your number maybe we could get something going for next weekend