Anyone use FTA or pansat for HDTV


What channels do you get?

how does it work for the HD feeds?


I use a 2 year old Coolsat HD FTA receiver but it only gets MPEG 2, so E* HD in MPEG4 won’t work. Luckily, the Canadian version, BEV, at 82 and 91, has all of the same HD channels (plus sunday ticket :tspry: ) in MPEG2 and the 2 satellites lock in with the same system as a dish 500.

There’s newer boxes out there that do MPEG4 now though.

i need to find a mpeg4 i think, what channels does it pull, DTV or dish?

dish. I pull about 600 regular def chanels off the 2 dish satellites, plus what i get on the canadian side.

if you want HD on dish, you need MPEG4.

do these work with DTV?

i dont want dish


wtf, so there is nothing out there free for DTV?

nope, not since the P4 card… fuckin Dave.

ehh, not worth it for me then, i need YES!!!

unless i can pull yankee games out of market

is there some site i can check, i googled and ill that came up was receivers for sale. for what channels are on what satellites. is a forum for everything FTA, and where they post the files when you have to update your receiver.

This isn’t like the old DTV hacking days where the thing stayed up for months at a time though right? From what I’ve read it goes down much more often and the downtime can be several days? AKA, fun for a hobby but you’d still want a legit sub as a backup.

yeah it comes and goes in streaks. Unfortunately they save the gayest ECM’s for important times. (NFL playoffs, super bowl, sweeps weeks). Right now I’ve been up since June with only one reflash, but that will probably change soon. For awhile it was like once a week. Turnaround time is usually around 24 hrs.

^ With season premieres coming up on most networks I’d be willing to bet they step up the ECM’s soon.

With my old dos emulator (who’s name I can’t remember) and later windows based krypto emulator with private subbed bin the dtv hack would be up for months at a time, and if it went down the hash fix was up with an hour or two.

Not worth the hassle if they’re going to knock it out a lot.

lol my fathers got something that only stays up for a day or 2

viewsat here no hd :frowning: ill have to try the bev bird’s. for the hockey channel.

it has been up all summer… but yes superbowl & playoff season they flash more often.

but for the initial investment & amount of movies watched. totally worth it in SD.

naw i need HD with yes network.

ill just continue to pay :slight_smile:

please go on, about sunday ticket & mpeg 4 boxes.

Sat #s:

PM as needed.

I’m not running MPEG 4, so I really couldn’t give you specifics on that. I can check it out on when I get home. I have a Coolsat, so I know that the Coolsat box that will do MPEG 4 is the 8100.A Dish 500 dish, pointed at the 2 BEV satellites, 82 and 91, will pull in Sunday Ticket. BEV also has the added bonus of putting their HD in MPEG 2, so you can get HD with an older box. My box gets HD off these satellites and not the regular dish ones.If you don’t want to repoint, a 61.5/110/119/129 setup got me nearly every football game last year. There were about 5 weeks where I was missing 1 game. However, if you want to watch in HD pointed at the regular Dish Network satellites, you need MPEG 4.

ideally speaking I’d love to pick up HD from the current Dish sats (i don’t wanna make bobby do a bunch of extra work), but… how easily can an external HD be wired into the mpeg4 box? Thats alot of HD feed to be DVR’ing every week.

If it’s more cost effective, I have no sincere problems dropping down to mpeg2.