Anyone use radar/laser detectors/jammers

Just curious, anyone on here and how effective are they.

Obviously a detector is kind of useless as when you detect it, it’s probably already too late. Not sure of how effective jammers or how they exactly work though (they send back signals that screw up the readings on the radar/laser?)

its not worth to get a jammer, as soon as they do through ur 1st speed trap, their gonna go after u and ask u for it, they about 1)50kms 2)50kms 3)0kms(u) 4) 50kms, u see where im getting at ?? one of my friends had a jammer he didnt have it for 2 long ur better off with a detecter

get a concealed radar detector, like the Bel Pro RX75 (Plus). the crappy ones that sit on your dash are useless since they’ll get confiscated anyways…