anyone w/ ability to powder coat on the board?

:word: he dont answer

ask woody. he got his wheels done at some big company in buffalo.

same thing with somedude, guy that did his was apparantly stupid cheap.PM him

People talking about powder coating like they actually know shit about it.

The wheels have to e completely stripped… as in chemically stripped and then glass bead blasted to the bare metal.

They then should be baked bare. … Cooled

They are then coated with powder.

Baked again. …

The oven has to be LARGE enoufgh to fit a wheel geniuses. No $50 kitchen oven will fit a wheel.

If you want any chrome or specialty finishes there is more then one coat and it gets complicated.

There is a company in the yellowpages that coats. Buffalo Powder Coating or some shit. I used them as well as coated stuff myself.

I would HIGHLY recommend that you have the wheels painted instead. Coating will cost you almost as much as a new set of wheels.

I work fulltime online.

I do it for people and hook alot of people up.

But i do it like this:

I dont have to dick around getting peoples parts, aka bring to me when you say you will bring to me, and bring me a little $,tell me color etc, and pick them up at time im told they will be picked up.

he did my intake manifold and came out great i think it cost me like $60-70 and keeps it the air inside a lil cooler too