:word: he dont answer
People talking about powder coating like they actually know shit about it.
The wheels have to e completely stripped… as in chemically stripped and then glass bead blasted to the bare metal.
They then should be baked bare. … Cooled
They are then coated with powder.
Baked again. …
The oven has to be LARGE enoufgh to fit a wheel geniuses. No $50 kitchen oven will fit a wheel.
If you want any chrome or specialty finishes there is more then one coat and it gets complicated.
There is a company in the yellowpages that coats. Buffalo Powder Coating or some shit. I used them as well as coated stuff myself.
I would HIGHLY recommend that you have the wheels painted instead. Coating will cost you almost as much as a new set of wheels.
No he wont^^
unless he needs the money, hes not gonna answer his PM’s
I work fulltime online.
I do it for people and hook alot of people up.
But i do it like this:
I dont have to dick around getting peoples parts, aka bring to me when you say you will bring to me, and bring me a little $,tell me color etc, and pick them up at time im told they will be picked up.
he did my intake manifold and came out great i think it cost me like $60-70 and keeps it the air inside a lil cooler too