Anyone wanna co-op?

Sleeps 20 NYSPEEDERS.:smiley:

We can each kick in $150,000.

No problem.

On second thought, this is more my style…

We should organize an Adults only ski trip to vale or something

lol 4000 sq ft in tahoe = 20000 sq ft in buffalo

Really you just need 10 people to kick in ~$50K for the DP

I’m fucking serious BTW

Location, location, location.:slight_smile:

ill kick in the 50k if i get to be the one that lives there

What is the plan after the dp?

What are you going to do with 1 and 1/2 garage? You only have one car that deserves garage time. Even then…you don’t need it :stuck_out_tongue:

^ the z needs to be at least 10 feet away from the closest car

oh now the snowdens sounds familiar…I have worked on his corvettes before lol

ew… i mean i like the house,its cool and everything but i would need to live with like 10 people…the place is creepy!

Sounds like an “Old School” movie in the making.

I’ll chip in if we can get Snoop Dogg to perform at the first kegger.

19,000 sq ft is 17,000 sq ft i’ll never need lol…

baller though…

rent out 1/2 the rooms (or more if people dont’ live there) for assistance on the mortgage payment…

i dont know how good of a money making venture it would be

crunch some numbers and get back to me lol

I wouldn’t be interested in making money…19K Sq ft. mansion is massive even split 10 ways lol

You’d have to rent each of the 10 bedrooms for ~$1,400/mo to cover mortgage + taxes for the year.

its prolly haunted

looks sick tho

i used to ride my bike past that house all the time… its rediculous…

yeah, i dont even know what to do with 1,200 sq ft by myself. if i could afford that house though, im sure i would be able to suffer through figuring out what to do with it lol

Hmmm… be part owner of the building that used to be the middle school I attended… interesting.

And yes, that place is huge. Over the 4 years I was there, I never saw everypart of that house.