Anyone wanna grab a few beers?

They make “winkies” that are like stickers you put over your eyes when you go in the booth so you don’t get the elastic lines.

Some people especially men have a hard time getting the winkies to stay on in the stand up booths…

^ that just sounds weird

HAHAHA… yea it kind of does…

Are you kidding me?!? They just stick on your eyes, all you have to do is bend them!!!

HAHA… no joke so many people mainly men can not get them to work… it is too damn funny to hear there stories on trying to get their winkies to work…

I put these on my dick and run around. poka-dot penis FTW.

no they don’t stay on it very well.


HAHA… now that explains what they must be doing wrong :rofl:rofl

i will make an instruction booklet you can hand out?

haha … ok sounds like a plan…

awesome. i am gonna make a pop-up penis. like the birthday card ones! hehe.

HAHA… and some music to go with it?

Look at my horse song…

OMFG That would be the best fucking birthday card ever. The girl from the vid on the front, and the guy and horse on the inside and when you open it the winky pops out and it plays the song!!! OH SHIT! hallmark where you at!!!

HAHA that would be pretty damn funny!

I couldn’t figure those things out in the lay down bed let alone a stand up booth

HAHA … see guys just don’t know how to use them… too funny… People are always telling me how confused they get by them…