anyone want a dog?

My girl found some dog on Broadway in Schenectady and the shelter here puts the dogs down 5 days in no one claims them so she took it home to find it a home instead of risking it getting put down… Before I throw it on craigslist wanted to see if anyone here wants it… free obviously.

Can you feel a microchip under its skin? Usually in the neck/shoulder area.

Edit: On a dog that size you may not be able to find it. Even if the PO didn’t register the chip…a Vet can get certain information that would help. Assuming the dog isn’t too old.

Your girl did a good thing for sure. Making some calls now.

soaking wet, limping, eating like he hasnt eaten in days I dont think hed have a chip… but to confirm i just looked and didnt feel one.

Male or Female?

I just called my mom…she owns a pet store and has GREAT success placing dogs in new homes. She is going to put something up on her website and Facebook.

However, she did mention that if you don’t take it to the pound, it’s kind of implied that you try to find the original owner before giving it away to someone else. Also confirmed that you won’t necessarily feel the chip, the dog needs to be scanned.

Tough spot to be in.

What about bringing the dog to the Mohawk Hudson humane society?

if I take it to the pound, I cant get him back and within 5 days it will be put down… its a male.

do they put them down? My girl refuses to put him down

Any vet, pound, etc should scan for a chip for free. Whether they find one or not, you are under no obligation to leave the animal there. If they find a chip, just leave your contact info with them so they can relay it to the owners if they are able to contact them.

You can try giving Peppertree rescue a call and see if they will take the dog in

Also under the assumption the dog has not eaten in a few days or even a week, make sure you aren’t overfeeding that can be worse than not feeding at all.

def this^^

The power of facebook lol… My Girl posted on her wall about the dog, a few people shared it and a froend of a friend of a friend located the dog and owner is on the way… Dogs name is rocky and the motherfucker is 17 years old!!


And here I thought my dog was old at 14.5.

Your dog IS old…

I’m glad it worked out. We were seriously considering taking him in, when we got home my wife had noticed you guys found his owners.

Glad the old dogs got owners who care. My Sheppard lived to be 19. I kind of hope all my dogs live long/happy like that.

if everyone listened to bob barker…

[ame=“”]Bob Barker’s Quest To Get Your Pet Spayed or Neutered Pays Off - YouTube[/ame]

wow good to hear!

seventeen? holy shit!