Anyone want a wii?


in my opinion it’s not. wii sports if over rated. if you and your buddies want to drink and have fun, wii sports is cool. like i said, so is a deck of cards. zelda is fun, but it’s available on gamecube, and there are certainly better games on more practical systems.

seriously go to the store and just look at the wii games section. if that is something you can get into, go for it. people either love or hate the wii, but what i’ve noticed is people who are not serious gamers tend to like it.

my room mate was able to come across one when they first came out. we played the shit out of it for 2 weeks. he put quite a few hours into zelda. beat that, and then the PS2 was hooked up again. the wii didn’t get used for literally months. i just started playing zelda a couple weeks ago. i’m the first one to really use it since january.


Kinda what I figure what would happen if I bought one. I might be happier with a X360 with guitar hero and whatever that alien shooting game is. Played it at my friends a couple times and it was cool.