anyone want to hit the ice this weekend?

honestly, I had one of them that had 10 different settings on my last yz426 quad…and I sold it and got nice money for it. IMO, they arent really worth the money for the little power you gain

all it pretty much does is increase your spark a little and raise your revv limiter…when in reality raising the revv limiter on these doesnt increase power…just makes you able to stay in gears a little longer but sprocket changes do the same damn thing and only cost 15$ each/

does your quad now have a K and N filter? Lid removed? full exhaust and jetted??

even going to 18" tires makes a HUGE difference…thats all us motocross racers run…18" in rear, 20" up front.

then mess around with sprockets…1 tooth down/up in the front sprocket is equal to 2 teeth down/up in the rear…bigger the rear sprocket, the more accleration…smaller the rear sprocket, the more top end…

bigger front sprocket = top end, smaller front = accleration…

then you play around with the two.