anyone want to hit the ice this weekend?

Id like ot head out tomorrow, just gotta be back around 6! Superbowl wasted time!!

meet me at exit 8 hess then around 1:30 and you can follow me down there.

Ok sounds good. I still gotta talk to a few people and see exactly when im leavin though!

just got back… what a kickin time, studs woulda been better but can’t complain! i’m gonna roll out and be there tommorrow around 11:30-12.

  1. How big is this place?
  2. We should all meet up somewhere at a certain time!

theres two tracks, one cicrle where the studded fast guys(serious) oval track… then like a combo track with turns that just me and dave were on… that was my jam.

I’ll be in and out of there again tomorrow with a few buddies on our sleds…My one buddy wrecked HARD today:down out on the river…scary shit.

sorry to hear that, pete flipped and ate shit today:ohnoes

over all great time tho

u guys wanna hit it up tomm at like noon?

We were doin like ~70mph and with the snow on the ice the skis want to hook and yank to one side and i saw a cloud of snow and his sled like 6-7ft in the air. Rolled it 8-9 times we counted in the snow…cowl, windshield were smashed, bars were folded…He thinks he bruised a kidney and his back, was having trouble breathing but refused 9-1-1 so…MFer rode home!

:rofl Knew it was gonna happen sooner or later…looks like sooner!

i should be leavin my place round noonish to get up there tomorrow

round lake has the same thing going on with a Oval and then a side TT coarse (what you were on pete at wagers pond)…would you guys want to go to round lake instead?? Its much bigger and alot more room to park.

shit’s fuckin ass without studs…i mean if you like not getting traction on the straight-a-ways and sliding out/pushing in the corner then you’ll be alright…but I rode Pete’s quad for a little bit and shit was just spinning

a semi pro quad racer a few years ago crashed wicked hard comming out of a burm 4th gear pinned…he got back up and back on the quad and still won the race…

he was complaining about pain…but didnt want to go to the hospital

hour later he started puking blood…he ended up having 3 broken ribs and a punctured lung.

I thought noon at Hess? Thats what John told me today.

:open_mouth: damn!

I dont mind it, im used to it lol. Plus im not puttin $ in this thing, b/c im tryin to sell it anyways.

you guys can meet up at noon. I wont be able to show up until like 1:30

what do yo guys wanna do wagers pond or round lake?

Im prolly gonna do the closer of the 2, wagers