Anyone want to loan me some cash?

I’d turn tricks for this car…

do you want anything thats not entrey level

if you want shit so bad i gladley go to the bath room and sell you some

says the dick in the cheapest VW made… :jerkit:

look at what’s in the engine bay…

that’s funny

its still a vw and i have an accord

not 1, but 2 cars that dont run.

werd. wtf dicky. i know, i know it has a great motor, but jesus.

:wtf: why does everyone on here have to bash on what someone’s idea of a cool car is? i’m not big on american muscle, or most of the japanese cars…personally i’m into european stuff, but i DO love cars, and i can respect a 5.0 or a 69 camaro or a civic si or a DSM or whatever it is for what it is…it’s still a car…and i know i’m fairly new on this board, but i started posting here instead of on the VWVortex because this was supposed to be a board for local car enthusiasts…if blanyer wants to make a fast geo, or a fast tercel, or whatever, more power to him…personally i think it’s harder to make a fast geo than a fast camaro or eclipse…dunno…just a thought…


and no, it’s not a spirit…its a bit more “entry level”

ok…done ranting now…lol…

cuz it’s the OT forum…most of the guys that rag on everything here are the coolest people in person (read that MOST there are still a few that need strung up but that’s another story) so STFU knoob :smiley:

lol…i read the “most”…btw, i’ve talked to a couple of them, and i know they’re not all bad…it just seems like alot of drama for a bunch of people that say they have something in common…ok…i’ll STFU now, and go mind my n00b business in a corner somewhere…

just dont’ get anything on the walls

I bet that was pointed to me, because of my jack stand racer comments… but i dont rag on you nearly as much as other people