Anyone who was laid off find a new job?

Or is everyone still unemployed?

If you did find a new job is it in the same field and is it better or worse?

I’m still unemployed.

Have had a handful of offers, 3 locally and 2 out of state, all in the same field, around the same pay ( some +/- ). Problem is, I don’t want to do it. Once severance is done being paid, I’ll be switching professions. :slight_smile:

i took an unpaid internship. i’m such a slut.

I go back to work hopefully in March but definitely by April. I’ve been taking training courses all winter and have been getting payed for it so i can’t really complain.

I’m waiting for school to be done in March, then looking for something in either IT or Web Design.

Start training on the 19th for my new job at the same company except its for double the pay i was previously getting. Thank god, unemployment blows, i have been bored as hell.

Same here, I’ll take my $310 UI check until I’m done with school in April.

I’m unemployed! Well I am day to day subbing. But it is a massive pay cut.:meh:

Apparently it’s pretty damn hard to find an internship as well these days. As long as I find something by summer, I’m happy.

Yes, at a better company for slightly more base, less money overall… but I am so much happier

Yeah Paul, the engineering internship market around here is pretty competitive I’ve found.

Glad to see this mess is working out for someone at least.

are you graduating?

Thank you…

I found a job that offers full time, finally.

I’m not happy to be in this line of work still tho =\


you bastard!! lol. Thats how much I usualy got a week in my normal check lol. I only get $183 a week for UI.

I’m working on a few things right now. I have an Orientation today with the plumber’s union, and I am also trying to get into Cellino Plumbing in west seneca. Either job would be an awesome career for me.