Anyone with a Bike license need help ASAP

Got pulled over on the 90 yesterday afternoon for speeding. I only have my permit still :banghead: The troopers let me off really easy but the bike got towed. I guess on the thruway you cant have a friend come ride it home for you. The place where it is said its $50 a day for storage so i need to get it out of there asap. Its at Millers Collision on Abbott road.

What time in the morning? PM me I may be able to help.

was there 2 of you that got pulled over? i drove down the 90 yesterday and saw 2 bikes pulled over by the trooper suburban. one biked looked to be a black hayabusa, couldnt catch the other one though.

they aren’t open in the evening?

i gotta work at 8am otherwise id help you out.

Ya there open 9-5 and are really trying to fuck me over on fees. I was pulled over by myself by 2 troopers right before the exit for the exit to the 400.

round 9-10

yeah, it was right before the 400, must have only been one bike and not a busa, sucks to hear man…

I can do it but I have to be back by 10. Let me know.

i would do it if it was a bit later. prob won’t be up til 10

Do they have the option to get it at night with an extra fee? I know most impound places will charge you $10 bucks extra or something to get it. If theres any way you can get it tonight let me know, and I can help.

Sucks to hear. I wish I was still in the area to help.

i saw u letting ureself in the back of the cop car on my way to work, it was about 2:45…sry to hear man

Let me know if you need me to do it. I’d like to know kinda soon.

Ya i was going to get it at 6 today and they wanted 80 bucks for an after hours fee.

Ya ill let you know soon man thanks. Trying to see if my other buddy is going to be off work or not.

Alright looks like this is going to be easier than i thought. AAA is going to tow it back to my house for no charge.

Thanks to all those who offered help.

Glad to hear :tup:

Mother Fucker!

AAA just said there not towing this because of the reason it was towed in after yesterday they told me it was fine.

Can anybody come get this with me??? 1923 Abbott rd.




Maybe you will get lucky over there?

Just posted a thread over there. Thanks.