Anyone work at a pontiac dealership

Anyone work at a pontiac dealership? yesterday while driving my service engine soon light, traction control light and my ABS light all came on at the same time. i believe im out of warranty and since ill be trading this piece of shit in soon, i dont want to dump money into it. any ideas what it could be.

oh yeah its an 2003 Grand AM GT.
thanks in advance

ABS Sensor…

i just got laid off from one. the problem with your car is one of you wheel speed sensors id shorted, if your car is out of warranty…take it to autozone and have them scan it…they can tell you the wheel thats messed up. keep in mind the sensor is part of the hub so you have to change the whole thing and cler the codes, best way to do that is unhook ya battery for about 10 min

very common problem on those

thanks fellas!!!

umm, sorry if this sounds dumb, but what exactly would i ask autozone to scan?

ask them to pull the code for the “service vehicle soon” light

You sayin you gotta change the whole hub to change the wheel speed sensor? I’ve never really looked on my Grand Am because so far I haven’t had any wheel bearing problems or wheel speed sensor problems so i’ve never noticed. If so that sucks.

the speed sensor is integrated into the hub assm.

Is the car shifting a little funny, from time to time?

Cause thats the exact problem we had with an alero…and it ended up being the transmission.

my friend has a 2k2 gt, had the same issues a couple weeks ago. then

it just stopped :gotme:

connectors probabbly corroded or loose

I’ve had horrible experiences when dealing with Jim Culligan Pontiac. I hate that place! Hopefully you don’t have to go to that dealership.

your codes are probably c1230-c1234 if i’m not mistaken those are the codes for abs/wheel speed sensor shorted . hope it’s a rear as those are a little easier…

almost every dealership has pissed off customers like yourself, just because person “a” has a bad experience doesnt mean that person “b” did. its like getting a bad cheeseberger at mickey d’s.

yea jsut replace the whole hub…its like a 40 dollar part from AZ and like 30 min install on ur own…fronts are just as wasy as the rear…takes longer to get the car in teh air and the wheels off than is does to replace the hub