Anyone work for GM?

I think I need a CPS relearn. My car is being bitchy and going into reduced power mode… code says crankshaft position sensor learn error. I have my new tune, pulley, and injectors on the car. Sucks that the computer won’t let me hit boost!! :headbang :headbang :angry2 :angry2


try just reflashing ur tune onto the car… the psm may not have adapted to it properly.

Member on here B-ri works at a Chevrolet dealership. I can get you in touch with him if you want.

That would be awesome. Travis I tried that… it’s not the tune because it did it before I uploaded the tune to the car.

Thing is I am going ot Long Island tomorrow, so I would like to get it done asap in the morning if at all possible.


Thanks. I’ll give him a call tomorrow morning.

your crank and cam sensor are not in sink wit each other either one or the other is bad or wiring bad …take to a dealer and have them do a resink but i think your prob is deeper than that if its was happening before tune


I put the clip back on and now the problem is worse than it was with the metal twist tie I had on there. (Clip was broke off my TB connector so I had it held on with a metal twist tie. I ordered a new clip and put it on today) I was on 87 and went WOT and it went into stage 2 limp mode… basically keeps the car at -10 vacuum psi and misses at idle. I was WOT on the highway and it wouldn’t go over 55mph. :angry2 So gay, the car was fine all last night and I was driving it pretty hard as well.

I think there is a short in the throttle body (TPS sensor is part of the TB since its all one big :gay computer controlled unit). God I can’t stand new cars. Computers on wheels. Guess i’ll have to go through the hassle of bringing it to the stealership when I get back from vacation. :angry2 :gay

ya moght of fried the t/b as its drive by wire ya shouldnt fuck wit them as they are very sensative even opening them by hand is a no no

Didn’t really mess with it. I just pulled it off with the S/C when I did the pulley. I’ll take it in to Depaula, they should cover it no questions asked. At least I am hoping… :lol

good luck…

thanks. It’s actually a common problem on the ss s/c so it should be a warranty item.

talk to crazybrew
hes got an ion redline and works at Saturn.
dunno if hes on here very often

Do a CASE learn, that usually fixes it. Do you have HP Tuners? It’s right in the VCM scanner if you do!

Don’t have HP Tuners myself. Can the CASE learn be done with a Tech II?