Anyone work for National Grid?

I need some info on getting a demand meter removed from our club, which is currently zoned commercial. Anyone that has actual answers, or knows who to talk to, I greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

I am assuming that you want to just switch to a standard meter. Why?

I came in here expecting a parody question like: Can I take my 4 burner gas stove to my friends house, when he only has a 2 burner?..

It is a shooting club I belong to. The place is only open a few hours here or there, and because of the demand meter, we are getting charged on electric spikes that happen when someone shows up and turns everything on. Our actual usage is very minimal. Lights and a blower motor for the ventilation. Should cost us $100/month, but is over $400 right now. Just looking to reduce our operational costs so that we don’t have to increase dues…again.