Anything fast in here?

No actually up until you signed up it was getting boring and I didnt post as much but this drama is way more fun:excited

Eddie has a 2spd glide in his truck… It’s not meant to go from a roll…

One can argue it’s a dragnwagn but, i do give him credit for driving it on the streets, on a daily basis…

Your car, or any of these cars that make decent power have an advantage over Eddie from a roll, that’s why it’s diggums only for him.

Travis’s car witha good launch would be a rgeat dig run for Eddie

I agree.

the glide is defently not ment to go from a roll.
dragracing is not ment to go from a roll
you sure you dont want my pos??

SHEEIT if i had a built evo i would race from a dig why not?

Yup… You sure you don’t want a bigger power drive train?

Im still waiting on my hug

I’m still waiting to give you that pearl necklace.

i cant get a race with 450hp why would i want more??

now thats love!!

Because if I have to buy a roller and mop you up, I will.

only im allowed to call out ssssssmokin mid november

I’m aware… I also saw you getting groceries with it at Wal-Mart when it was primered… and have seen you around many times driving it. I figured it was at the TP because you guys were working on it.

naa my father lives there and hes closer to the valley so i keep it there the night before.

Gotcha… the first time I saw you was down by Exclusive Auto like 3 or 4 years ago… you got on it a bit and the truck sounded somewhat like a rocket.

Wait so he only wants to race people that he knows he can beat?

so a pg cant go from a roll at all??? if it can go 0-130 why cant it go 30 or 50- 130??

do you not understand what a drag race is?
Drag racing is a competition in which vehicles compete to be the first to cross a set finish line, usually from a standing start, and in a straight line. First gaining popularity in the USA after World War II, the sport steadily grew in popularity and spread across the globe. By 2009, there were hundreds of dragstrips in operation, mainly in developed countries.
Most drag races begin with a standing (stationary) start and are just 1/4 mile long (1,320 ft (400 m)). Races last between 3.9 and 17 seconds, with finishing speeds ranging from 80 to over 330 mph (530 km/h), depending upon the type of vehicle being used. The faster vehicles then need a parachute to slow down, an innovation credited (indirectly) to cartoonist Tom Medley.[1]

<LI class=“toclevel-1 tocsection-1”>1 Basics of drag racing <LI class=“toclevel-1 tocsection-2”>2 Racing organization
[LIST]<LI class=“toclevel-2 tocsection-3”>2.1 North America <LI class=“toclevel-2 tocsection-4”>2.2 United Kingdom <LI class=“toclevel-2 tocsection-5”>2.3 Australia <LI class=“toclevel-2 tocsection-6”>2.4 Europe

[/LIST]<LI class=“toclevel-1 tocsection-9”>3 Classes <LI class=“toclevel-1 tocsection-10”>4 Drag racing performance facts <LI class=“toclevel-1 tocsection-11”>5 Drag racing strategies and methods
<LI class=“toclevel-2 tocsection-12”>5.1 The burnout <LI class=“toclevel-2 tocsection-13”>5.2 Staging <LI class=“toclevel-2 tocsection-14”>5.3 The tree

:rofl I wish it was that easy