notice i said kinda in a sense… the type r has an upgraded suspension, higher compression, better asthetics, shorter gears. thats what i was going for, a n00b definition to an ap1 vs an ap2.
this is the fucking n00b corner. you people take shit way to literal
thanks for the instant ban newman lol its pat steves roomate/ joshs friend lol.
and yeah i know the differences from the two cars i was just stating never really did anything with hondas before so i dont know al that much on best performance other than the obv. and also i know its valve lash and can easily be adj without removing the head, probably end up doing that just considering other options as well.
and holy shit theres alot of random arguments in this already lol
Yes i wanna go black int. and paint my car. Not blue.
and who the fuck is maxwell? lol do i know you?
oh well all and all was just stating its what i bought, any suggestions or anything is really what i was lookin for not arguments over 9k redline v 8k redlines. lol
and dont ban me cause he found out my password lol changed all that and dont even talk to the kid anymore.
hey man nice ride…i guess that maybe we will have to go heads up at leicester to see how the Spec fares against the s2k…maybe this time you can actually keep up…lol
you def. made the right choice in s2000s. you arent going to eat the depreciation of an ap2, you wont have the clutch delay from 1st to 2nd, you most likely have the glass rear window(if its an 02 you should) you also get better mileage, have smaller, lighter wheels and have a car which you can mod. a lot and not feel bad about.
dont listen to A LOT of the shit you see on here(obv. youve been here before so you know)
what seems like valve tick can actually be the TCT, the factory ones are known to wear out quickly on AP1s . does it sound like a card in bike spokes and does the tick go away after the first several minutes?
here is a clip of what it may evenutally sound like: