apparently i got fucking lucky as hell

So i was coming home from dave and busters at about 1:30 last night on the 400 and i got stuck behind some slow cars on the on ramp and my buddy in his mustang has already gotten on, I finally get on the highway and giver, the highway was pretty empty especially in the fast lane, so i was movin quick, about 160-170, dumb yes ( i know it was stupid) so my buddy is about .5km ahead of me and i blow by him. about 5 min later i get a call saying that i was a lucky fuck,
apparently there was a cop car sitting right next to him when i blew buy him, and he started after me(my friend says, he gunned it put sirens on ) but stopped as quickly as he started.

this is what i have been told anyways…

jesus christ, i did 100 on the dot, the rest of the way home.

I must have a horse shoe so far up my ass.


all i know is im lucky as hell and from now on im slowing down.

Wow, I’m surprised KA24Es can go that fast. j/k

Could you have seen the cop if you had been looking around? Because
with me, if I’m gonna speed, my eyes are always moving left to right and
checking the mirrors, so much that I’m barely looking straight. :eek3:

Paranoia should kick in if you are gonna speed.

yeah sasha can vouch for that one hehehehe

lol i do look around when im driving that fast. apparently he had just jumped on the highway just before there and blocked by a couple cars when i went by so i couldt see him.

oh well

counts lucky stars