250km/h on the 400.

Original story: http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2009/03/03/8601501-cp.html

Anyone hear about this and know what this guy was driving?


“High performance Infiniti” so probably a G or maybe some loaded dude in an M or something.

^^ Anyone from one of the clubs?

how do you get caught doing that really?

hey got caught because he stopped!

now a days. you mine as well just pull over. especially on 400 series highways.

Yet, me…if a cop pops his cherries all over me and im going over 140km…i’m fuckin gone. i’m puttin up a fight.

I think it mostly has to do with the fear factor. That’s how guys with lambos and ferraris that can do well over 300 get pulled over lol… and why cops never get 500whp chase vehicles, cause they can’t do those kind of chases… people just pull over anyways. Like look at sasha he got away from like a gajilions cops several years ago lol… but he was told on. Either way in this country i wouldnt take the risk. It’s draconian enough, might as well introduce torture laws for those who ‘break the law’… different story abroad lol… here you’ll get owned and a lecture for speeding 20 over. SIR DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FAST YOU WERE GOING?! “120km/hr?”


Getaway in stockholm http://www.getawayinstockholm.com/

One more addition LOL:

^^^ i dont even know what you are trying to say…

250km/hr clocked? thats stupid. 250km/hr u wulda been in hyperspace and exited the hwy. and speeding on a highway that knows urs liscense plates isnt smart lol

thought i was the only one.

it says he likes boys and wants fobwall to give him some man love

The son240 make it easy for even a 3 year old to understand trivia

Due to illiteracy and inability to comprehend the english language as examplified below:

It has come to our attention we must break down textual speech in a more formal written English on an internet forum.

A. Why do people get caught at those speeds even if they have cars capable of exceeding 300km/hr? Because of fear of government/police. This is regardless of cops not having high power cars; people just slam the brakes and pull over out of mental repercussion imprinted through fear mongering of media and government. B. Can people get away from cops? Yes they can. Sasha got away from ten or so cop cars several years ago. Wouldn't have been caught if it weren't for someone telling on him. C. Should you dot it? Should you take the risk of such things in this country? No and neither would I. Definitely not as the laws are becoming ever so more draconian* every day. Too high risk. D. Those who 'break the law'... how are they treated? Even if you are going 20km/hr you'll get owned and a lecture for speeding 20 over. Eg: SIR DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FAST YOU WERE GOING?! "120km/hr?" Be smart.

Bonus question:

Give an example of another country where people speed and get away from cops:

Stockholm, Sweden:

And their cops have T5-Rs which are better cars than the crappy ford crown victorias.

/dreɪˈkoʊniən, drə-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [drey-koh-nee-uhn, druh-] Show IPA

  1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Draco or his code of laws.
  2. (often lowercase) rigorous; unusually severe or cruel: Draconian forms of punishment.
  3. often used in newspeak slang to denote harsh laws introduced by government that take away freedoms of people.

It’s not what you say, its that you form it into an illegible blob of text.

People pull over because most times they’ve got your plate numbers already anyway, and you’ll be even more fucked when they show up at your doorstep with handcuffs and about 15 cruisers.

Thank you for that definition of draconian, I’m sure us lowly forumites could never have a vocabulary that would include words like that. I was so confused.

Also, you seem to have a real hate on for Canada, and have already lived abroad, why don’t you move to Europe? You certainly seem like you’re happier there.
Also, you weren’t even around when that happened to Sasha, so stop referencing it.

Most valid point of the day, Most of the time what he says is a blur cause its illegible or its in a huge block of text i lose interest in reading cuz its not formatted and i dont feel like reading a e-book at work

I ran from the cops before, the last time I did this, I got caught, I was drifting on the streets one morning on my way to college in my turbo 240 and crossed a parked rcmp, needless to say he could never catch up to me but he called it in and lucky him there was already another rcmp up the road that had pulled over another car and blocked the road with his car, I could of kept running but at that point there was a small chance he would of seen my plate

so I pulled over and had enough time to let the turbo cool and then shut it off before I saw the police who first saw me catch up lol

this was before they put in the severe laws and the police man let me off the hook.

point I’m trying to make is even if your sure that you can get away from the one that spotted you, odds are it wont take more then 5 minutes to get more on you, in my case I think if I would of made it to the provincial bridge ( I live in gatineau Quebec, right next to Ottawa) I would of been safer, rcmp can go anywhere they want, but calling the quebec police would of taken a bit of time, enough so that I can get home.

Ummm Ahmed, stop making shit up and posting old shit. And I’m pretty sure no one told on Sasha.

LOL mark, that’s hilarious. You of all people saying something like that. You are the #1 making shit up guy in the world. The only thing you got right is one of my names, you don’t even know my birthname lol. In fact you know nothing about me, so it’s kind of funny how you instigate and make shit up all the time, the new thread you created in intro section is hilarious. I am not bothering to post any responses but I did get some good laughs. It’s like me talking about your prepubescent mustache and how you were a chubby yet tiny short oriental looking kid. I saw you like 3 years ago twice. The only other thing I recall you showed off your car to me but air started leaking because you fucked up one of your rear wheels. That is all we know about each other… yet you ended up making a whole ‘ahmed encyclopedia’ and constantly instigate me and other people to fight LOL.

Well I read his story on gtacars.com (?! Something like that) two years ago or a year ago or something like that in a thread titled along the lines of “have you ever gotten away from a cop”… I randomly came across it. I left one detail out because I didn’t want to say it, or my memory is just a bit rusty… but that wasn’t the point :slight_smile: The point was he did get away regardless of circumstances but it’s not something any of us should do or repeat that’s all.

Just. Stop. Typing.

