250km/h on the 400.

Bahaha, you guys watch too many movies…talking so much shit about running from the cops. Yeah I bet when its you in the drivers seat doing 250 and a cop is accelerating on the on ramp, youll just keep going weave in and out of traffic, then pull a F&F drift on the off ramp and jump some rail road tracks to get away.

People stop because they know that the police have a very good chance of catching you. Especially on a highway.

This is a case where some dude decided to test the speed of his car early in the morning, that means there probably wasnt any traffic around, unfortunately the OPP had a radar sting setup where there was a cop (probably) on a bridge with a radar gun, then a little ways down the road cruisers were lined up and one of them speeds off to pick him off. I heard it on the news this morning. He did the right thing. Pulled over, and now will go to court and with a shitload of money on a lawyer will probably get a large fine and his insurance will be fucked for a couple of years. He WONT go to jail though and WONT have a criminal record for running from the cops. Hmm which would I choose.

So tell me how many of you will run at that point. Its not just keeping the accelerator pinned, at that point its having to weave through traffic at 200+ km/h. How many of you are willing to do that. You’ll either rear end a car or go off and roll when some idiot panics and turns into you when he sees a car coming up that fast swerving around him…

Good post Peter. +1

x2 watching it on cp24 right now

^^ Triple that

i dont think id ever run from a cop, no point, i have a better chance at talkin the cop outta it on the side of the road than out running it…that and im sure a 90 Nissan 240sx doesnt stand a chance of running from those new chargers lols

the new chargers…for the po po. are not what you think they are :wink:

Aren’t the police Chargers up here the 3.5? I think in the states they are the 5.7, but not here.

By the way, if the cop doing radar was the chase car, he would never have caught him, it’s only because there were cops down the road that he got caught. I don’t think I’d run, but I sure as hell wouldn’t slow down right away when seeing a cop on the side of the highway.

lol the chargers are not even the HEMI…lol! all they can do is charge him with the 50km/h over, keep the car and pay the fine!! and hope your licence dont get suspended for a year!!.. i would not have stopped, i would think back to my driving training you know… watching the Initial D anime series and got outta there!! lol i joke i joke!! i would never be doing 250… 130 is my top speed and OPP dont seem to mind, so far

That was completely disrespectful dude…
Regardless if you info is 100% correct and if all of SON already knows about it. You don’t bring something like that up about a member. Especially a highly respected member and vendor…

lol still faster than a single cam tho haha

hey that sasha news is old news, everyone knows already! im not going to say anymore about the situation cause i dont know sasha like that, just its something that happened, and i hope he tells his kids when he has them to show his coolness, hope he know what i mean!! Sasha is like a spokesman you can say, took it off the streets and kicking ass and taking names on the track!

250 thats it?

ive beaten that on the 400

not worth to go over 50 over the limit. your car is gone for a week, u go to court, suspended licence, lose points + the cash you pay all those people

it’s not worth it… when fly past a cop and put some distance on him part of you says you can keep going and then you see the cherries in the rearview and realize your screwed one way or another…

exactly thats why the dude was doing 150 over the limit… if your gonna get caught might as well get caught doing somthing BALLER!!!

u all gota install oil spill on a push of a button! then cops cant catch u !

you gain points bud not loose…

ive ran 4 times, the cops were clearly after me,got away… was it worth it NO…
from now on i`ll just pull over. to much to loose now

A simple speeding charge will just turn into multiple charges way more serious than the initial charge that could have just been a warning or the cop not showing up to court or the prosecuter reducing the charge/fine
for us car enthusist we need to just go to the track often enough so that we dont feel the need to speed on the street.

are you typing with an accent? maybe thats why we cannot understand?

If you wana go James Bond on them cops, however, James Bond is not real.

u are wrong

james bond is real

Which one?
