- why stop at that point
- hope it was worth it
we will be seeing these cars for sale very soon!
blue 94 prelude and a red mini
“At the very least, the tires would most likely keep spinning even though the rims are stopped.”
-kills me
+1 LOL
hahahaha +1
Who are these douches that write this sh*t!!!
“After five seconds of 100% braking, you would still be going about 70 km/h,” he explained. "And unless you’re using high-performance tires, your tires would most likely explode if you slammed on your brakes at that speed.
omg… ‘your tires would most likely explode’
W…T…F… lmao
Anyways… police and media need a new job. Not that I condone this kind of wreckless behaviour… but both are retarded these kiddies doing this on a crappy a$$ road like martin groove and… the police and media talking non-sense lol
They don’t make note of how fast the officer was going huh
Fisher immediately spun her unmarked car around to give chase and caught up to the speedsters soon after, he said. One of the drivers was stopped at a red light and the other, who had apparently made it through the intersection before the light changed, pulled a U-turn and drove back north on Martin
I’m sure from a standstill to catch up to speeding cars supposedly going 200km/hr takes alot of speed.
Under ideal conditions, with full braking, Burrows said reconstructionists estimate it takes more than two football fields and about 71/2 seconds to bring a car to a stop.
i like the part where they had to call their older brothers to tell them that their cars were being impounded
LOL, so much fail. Especially for the dude driving the prelude, why the fuck would you make a U turn? hahaha
hahahaha i saw them being towed to the impound lot on the 427 south near sherway. I had a feeling it was for racing.
OKAY! Racing, tires spinning, rims stopped, one guy had a jet engine whatever blah blah blah blah blah blah and more blah blah blah blah…
Who cares?
Who the fuck won?.. That’s what we want to know!!!
Was the mini an S model? If it was there is a good chance it won.
“It was extremely good fortune that the officer was able to get both vehicles stopped. She managed to stop two extremely dangerous individuals who were willing to put lots of lives at risk,” said Sgt. Burrows.
lots of lives at risk? Martin Grove is fucking dead at night. especially in that area. If worse comes to worse theyd take out some gangstars who deserve it anyways.
So true, so true! LOL!
It would take about 17.4 years for that cop car to reach 200kmh. Wait, they cant even go that fast.
gotta tell it like it is.
Fuck NA society is so soft.
The 5-0 are punanies!