200 on a 50

prelude lol, i have my money on the mini.

why wont the police tell us who won?

the guy who got through the red won… must have turned yellow for at least 7 1/2 seconds…

i don’t find it to poorly written. Would not be surprised if they were running on Nankangs or Wanli’s… in which case they likely would have exploded trying to full brake at that speed.

LoL greatest comment…

lmao if the Mini won i would Die and 200Km/h don’t those cars bottom out before that? wtf lol

Minis rule.

It says thats a JCW mini… I have no doubts it won…

not quite.

Not really my friend. My little brother in Greece has a Cooper Mini S model and we had it up to 240km/h on the highway just north of Athens and it still wanted to pull and it did 240km’h smoothly!!! No shaking, no vibrating!!!
He only has minor mods like bigger rims, suspension, brakes, exhaust from front to back, intake and some good tunning…and he also got rid of the speedlimiter…That’s the first mod everyone does in Europe to no matter what type of car they buy LOL!
I was never a Mini fan but ever since then I started to kind of like the Mini cooper or at least have a new respect for it…(Mini S model only,… the regular mini is super gutless).

meh… my friend has a classic mini from the 60s he restored… it feels like a small brick. I have yet to drive in a modern mini though. Him being a mini fan he actually ended up buying a new golf gti mk VI. It handled pretty good and had descent pep to it. He ended up modding it with a chip and it would haul ass. He said the new mini was boatish (i find that hard to believe compared to his old school steel brick on wheels mini)

“After five seconds of 100% braking, you would still be going about 70 km/h,” he explained. "And unless you’re using high-performance tires, your tires would most likely explode if you slammed on your brakes at that speed.

“At the very least, the tires would most likely keep spinning even though the rims are stopped.”

>>>This is going straight to ‘MYTHBUSTERS’ Labs

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A little fact checking with Newtonian equations of motion, assuming constant acceleration:

To stop from 200 kph in 7.5 s requires an acceleration of 7.4 m/s^2, or 0.75g.

Road test data for the MINI Cooper show a stopping distance from 80mph of 220 ft. Converting the units puts actual braking acceleration at 20 m/s^2 or 2.0g.

To allow for imperfect conditions and the higher initial speed, I’ll reduce braking acceleration to 75% of the 80 mph number. Doing that results in a time-to-stop of 3.7 seconds, and a distance-to-stop of 102m, or 112 yards. Give-or-take, the length of 1 Canadian football field.

It is clear that neither the officer nor the author has the grounding in physics to make, or report on, the statements in the article.

High School Graduate, July 21st 2009, 8:19am

+1 high school
-1 cops

lol is anyone else reading the shit that people are posting in the comments section?

Been through several pages of Toronto’s opinion and this one of the more sensible arguments that we as car enthusiasts can appreciate.

Robert T Report Comment
July 18th 2009, 2:26pm
It seems Chris Doucette and The Sun have convicted these drivers already, as the word allegedly appears nowhere in this story. At this time that is all that exists, allegations. How sad that the one time last bastion of decent reporting in Ontario has become just another liberal socialist rag.
I don’t condone the alleged stupidity of these two individuals, however just like the biased reporting in this article, the “street racing” law was forced on Ontarians to convict citizens at the roadside sans due process. The drivers who have defeated this charge in court (the majority of those charged) are still out thousands of dollars in towing and storage fees to retrieve their vehicles which have been , in effect, stolen by government agents…

A more neutral stance

Chris Report Comment
July 18th 2009, 2:01pm
It seems to me that this is the first time I’ve read about HTA 172 actually having been applied to real street racers. The perplexing part about it is that they prolly should have been charged with Dangerous Driving, a criminal code offence. As it is, these guys were simply charged under the Highway Traffic Act.

What is my point you ask?
There was never a need for HTA 172 (fomerly bill 203). There were already laws on the books to deal with simple speeding (HTA), Racing (HTA) or Dangerous Driving (Criminal Code).
But instead, the Libs came up with this new cash grab law that violates the rights of every person charged with it in Ontario by punishing them on the side of the road before being even found guilty of an offence.

I love the part where they say if the cops didn’t catch them they would have killed or caused a lot of damage. Mean while, the cop that caught them, got them while he was at a stop light. Do you guys believe this was on the front page of the Sun! Do I really have to kill people to have something worthy of being news on the front page, are we doing shity in the Middle East, why is street racing the only thing I see in the news.

why the fuck did they stop??? :confused: @ 200 your gone before the pigs in the driver seat!

The cop car was unmarked and the guy stopped at a red light without knowing the cop was actually chasing him. I bet the cop didn’t even turn his lights on until he was right next to the car stopped at the light. That means she probably hit 150 to catch him with her lights off.

fuck the police

Man, I forgot about km/h and had flashbacks of Colorado last summer in MPH!

Aahahaha Lmao at Cops failing at physics
not suprising, there writing skills aren’t any better.

I e0mailed the journalist…

Let me make it clear right off the bat: I do not believe that it was safe or smart for these two kids to be doing these kinds of speeds on that kind of a road.

What I am writing to you about is the arrogance, hypocrisy and ignorance carried forward by Sgt. Burrows when interviewed about this story. This kind of attitude would never be tolerated by the media, the public or the police force when talking about a real crime. If the story had been about a rape, murder, beating, robbery, etc, Sgt. Burrows would make sure to use words like alleged as much as possible because our judicial system insures that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Because these bogus street racing laws let faster drivers be treated worst then serial rapists, Sgt. Burrows continually implies that the two youths were actually driving at that speed and not just believed to be driving at that speed and that they were and still remain a menace to society. If someone was accused of murder, a police officer would never be allowed to say that the suspect actually killed someone, only that they were believed to have done so.

Another part of the article that I found appalling was his continued references to how unsafe the vehicles were at that speed. Someone in your comment section of the online article very clearly, and accurately, illustrated how the claims that Sgt. Burrows made about the stopping distances of the cars very exaggerated. Also, the claims about the tires exploding or the wheels stop turning while the tires kept spinning would make anyone think twice about driving any car. If a brand new high performance version of the Mini Cooper built by BMW like the one alleged to be speeding would not be able to safely brake from 200km/h, then how can the fleets of 10 to 15 year old Toyotas, Hondas, Hyundais, Fords, Chevrolets and Chryslers currently on our roads be allowed to drive on our highways? And if the tires did indeed explode when braking from those speeds, how on Earth did the driver come to a stop at the red light? Sgt. Burrows is obviously way out of his league when talking about the performance limits of any car.

Finally, it is mentioned in your article that Constable Sue Fisher, the police officer who gave chase, did so without the drivers of the two vehicles realizing that they were being chased by police. It seems hard to comprehend, unless Const. Fisher did not turn her emergency lights on until she had closed in on the alleged street racers. In that case, she is just as guilty as the drivers she stopped. And even if she did have her lights on, she still would have had to reach speeds that are significantly higher then the posted speed limit to catch the drivers. This seems like a tire explosion waiting to happen. Maybe Sgt. Burrows should focus less on the braking performance of a small, light, purpose built high performance car and more on the braking performance of 3 tons of police cruiser on soft suspension and fat, flimsy tires.

My hopes are that you forward this to Sgt. Burrows and Ontario’s Traffic Services.

Best regards,

Let me know what you think…

awesome! i would have just wrote “your an idiot!, FTP!”

Wow Jon…that was actually a pretty good letter. I actually read it. Hopefully you get a response.

Post it here if you do.