250km/h on the 400.

OK guys… STFU… Honestly, its getting ridiculous… I’m not choosing sides here, but every damn time you pick on Ahmed you screw over threads… Either ignore what he posts or just reply to it WITHOUT starting shit… I swear, Ahmed didn’t even do shit this time other than post a huge run-on sentence/paragraph…

You n00bs fvcking started it…


Quoted from the link:

The vehicle was impounded for a week under the province’s street racing legislation and the driver faces a fine of up to $2,000.

These guys are going crazy with the term “street racing”. All it is - is just excessive speed… If he was street racing, where’s the second car? Was he trying to do some “get-to-work time attack” or what?

Oh my head.

This thread is slowly going to shit.

But in all seriousness;

If it were me, and I knew my car was powerfull, AND I was already going 150 over.

I’d just gun it, find the nearest exit, take it, then hop back onto the highway in the

opposite direction. Then get off at the next exit and go home.

Done and done.

Either that, or GTA style, go to a paint shop and repaint the car. Cuz im baller like that :wink:

it says in the article from the Toronto star he was charged with stunting by way of speeding, due to there not being another car, he was not classified as street racing.

250km/h Pffffffffffffffff

When I worked at Prestige, I did 280km/h on the 427 in a customers 2002 Dodge Viper GTS, He let me! He was sitting in the passenger seat! …Cool guy for his age 68 years old and driving a 2002 Dodge Viper GTS! He’s grandkids must love him!


Also, I don’t know how anyone can say they would run without being in the same situation. Honestly, I too would like to think that I would run and get away with it, but that’s probably not the case. I’d probably pull over.

I also don’t know how this whole air patrolled shit works either, but if you run, couldn’t they track you from the sky if the officer calls it in? Enlighten me…

Heh, it’s mostly 50+ year olds who can afford these cars. I see them all the time on the highway.

I swear to God… today I saw an 80 year old woman who could barely see through the steering wheel… drive a brand new z06 corvette. i yelled out what the hell in shock… it’s one of those cartoon moments… I doubt she goes 250+ though but hey never know.


The speeding was a dangerous …he did the right thing by pulling over however… this guy did it on winter tyres… only god knows if it was summer and he was on proper tyres how fast it would have been…as a friend says AMAZING SPEED indeed!!!

250k!!! How does he only get a week impound and 6 points and only faces up to 2,000$ in fines???

You gotta remember cops always have numbers.

But damn it must of felt good cruisin at that. I wonder what gear he was in…

OK well this has nothing to do with the topic but can the people who dislike Ahmed aka rogerthat240 just stop talking shit to him and Ahmed can you stop acting like your better than everyone on son, saying oh son240sx make it easy for a 3 year old trivia bullshit… I’m pretty sure everyone is sick watching every thread you guys post in to become a war or some stupid name calling shit…
(I’m pretty sure if you did not like it here that much you would not be posting here everyday)

hmm i agree wrong thread but true ahmed doesn`t need to be king shit and he has a right to post here without being yelled at

I swear this forum got more girls than guys…

Anyway alot of y`all posting about this charge did not listen to this 1st hand on the news… even tho he wanted to run it would have made no sense he would have gotten caught regardless. the officer said he caught the guy on radar/laser but there were 2 cruisers along the on ramp or shoulder that he radioed ahead of time, once he had the guys speed locked in, he notified the 2 cruisers so they were already on the move. the guy didnt even know til it was to late… this is how alot of the speed traps are setup on the hwy these days its a team effort on the part of the cops … not just 1 officer running to his cruiser after he catches some1 on his radar like they used to

also the guy faces a minimum of $2000 and a maximum of $10000 and 6 points.

Why would he stop? 250 is fast.

It’s not the street racing law from my understanding, so it’s under a max fine of $2000.

I wanted to throw in a picard.jpg but I noticed that you posted a minute after DA_1.

Read his post and it’ll answer your question. :slight_smile:

james bond is not a cartoon!!!

as long as there isnt any more media coverage i think the person would get off fairly easy. hell higher a lawyer for sure, the lawyer will goto court for him, and hes gonna be offered to plea guilty for like a month or 2 suspension and like a grand or 2 fine. trafic courts are more forgiving then criminal courts.

should of had a radar detector

its not considered street racing because there was no other cars involved. he got stunt driving instead