Apple vs. PC

Are you really? :lol: hypocrite lol

lol @ footprint being developer’s faults. That is not true. But it is also not true that Mac programs don’t leave footprints.

I’ll bet there are .pref files all over the place from programs that no longer exist on the machine.

Don’t you guys get it? Neither of them are perfect. If it was perfect, they would be out of business lol

yes i am, im giving in. Its really a nice phone when i looked at it.

the new one tho

It isn’t? compare clamwin or NOD32 antivirus to something like Norton or AVG. HUGE difference in performance and size.

Shit, compare programs like GIMP and InkScape with Photoshop and Illustrator. The difference is huge.

edit: I agree 100%, they’re both guilty of it. My iPhone, even after a complete restore, still has folders and files on it from some 3rd party software that I had installed a while ago. Didn’t realize it until I was running out of disk space, had to use mobile finder to go through and manually delete it.

I don’t attribute that to the iphone OS though, it’s the developers fault for not removing it with the uninstall script.

and do the “lighter” programs work as good? GIMP is a piece of garbage compared to Photoshop/Illustrator. And just because they are heavy programs that eat RAM, does not mean that they leave behind footprints.

right on, they are nice phones :tup: they have a lot of functionality to them.

I use a program called AppZapper to capture any misc preference files. Regardless, I like that preference files are separated - makes it very simple to upgrade or reinstall something without losing personal information and preferences.

There is a large difference behind intentionally leaving preference files and having misc files, DLL’s, shortcuts, system files and registry keys strewn throughout the system. The base architecture of how this all works is just a much better design on OS X.

Agreed on all aspects

AppZapper, I will have to add that to my list :slight_smile: thanks

3rd party software means your phone was jailbroken, which means that it wasn’t designed for that to happen in the first place.

The appstore is being put in place to police bad development practices and make sure this never happens to those who use third party software.

honestly, no they don’t. I do prefer using inkscape to illustrator most of the time though. The spline tool is much easier to use and manipulate imo.

I’ll agree that Gimp sucks, but I’m also more familiar with PS. There are a lot of people that produce impressive/quality work with it though so it can’t be too bad

again, it’s apples to apples

I still stand by the comment that it’s the dev’s fault for being too lazy to get rid of everything. All’s it should take is a simple script to totally remove the program but a lot of times they don’t

it is not apples to apples. The Mac developers leave the .pref files for a reason, it is so that if you re-install, preferences will be kept, or that you can at least back-up your prefs files incase of a re-format or something.

With windows, the registry HIGHLY complicates the install/uninstall process.

The argument is pretty simple for me

Gaming= PC hands down and no one can argue against that

Everything else= Mac

I am building up my new PC right now but by next spring want to buy a mac laptop for everything else

wise words.

I’m glad I made this thread. Good shit.

Good point, and probably the reason why I will end up with a PC laptop to save a few bucks. (assuming that it is, in fact cheaper) As I mentioned before, this laptop will do absolutely nothing else besides store a lot of music, and run this DJ program. That’s it. The DVD drive and wireless will be disabled, and the OS will be trimmed down to run as lean as possible. There is actually an optimization procedure that the program has yo udo when you install it that disables a lot of the crap that would usually run in the background. So really, I don’t think I benefit at all from having a Macbook in this instance.

Anyone know a good site where I can compare an Apple laptop vs an equally equipped PC lappy? I’m just curious how two machines of equal hardware actually compare in price right now.

A few good articles on Mac Ownership and PC ownership you may want to check out.

30 days on OSX

30 Days on Vista

FWIW, Total cost of ownership on an apple is generally lower. Once you consider how well they hold their value, how cheap OS upgrades are, etc… you will make out on top w/ the apple.

I can’t tell you how many people I know (including myself) that cheaped out on a PC, and regretted it every day afterwards.

I regret building my PC over buying an apple

lol j/k

I am mainly speaking of laptops.