soooo, i’m kinda gettin’ tired of my computer(pc) and i was wondering what people thought about either or. i dont play games on my pc, that’s what the x-box is for, it’s mostly for surfin’ the net, watchin’ movies, downloadin’ music, and running final-scratch for the turntables, lemme know!!
I run osx, xp and server 2003 . I play spore on the mac, that’s about it.
My next home purchase will be a mac… I’ll still use XP & server 2003 for work…
linux. it will do all of the above, for free.
PC man… mac is for pussies!!
I do believe you have this backwards.
pc is way better than a mad. When you buy a mac desktop, you are stuck with that same machine no upgrades. On the other hand with a pc you can upgrade anything at anytime, add extra hard drivers etc. On my PC i have two hard drives. One for windows and ubuntu(linux) and the other is all my media and games.
In the end as a desktop a pc can do a lot more than a mac.
Macbooks are amazing laptops. If i ever bought a laptop it would be a macbook. They are a head of the game there. Macs are nice but so are pc’s. It ends up being personal preferance on all the things you want from your computer. Im also not sure but i can run 1250p through my computer. and i could go higher if i added another video card. Nothing is displayed in that high def but its still cool to know i can run a 50inch lcd at 1080p.
all new macs are intel based. pretty much pcs with mac osx installed. they run xp or vista as a dual boot or native. even if you purchase a new copy of osx and try to install it natively on your pc, chances are (about 90%) it will run fine with no tweaking. there are versions available from developers that will even run flawlessly on AMD. thus destroying the old theory of macs cant be upgraded blah blah.
PC, hands down. If you’re in any way slightly computer illiterate, nobody will be able to help you if/when you have issues with your mac.
I’ve been running windows forever and I’ve never had a problem with it. if you get viruses, it’s because you don’t know how to use the internet. I’ve managed to be virus free since I started using computers, and I’ve never run any anti-virus. If someone wants to hack your computer, it’s much easier to hack a mac than a windows machine. If you want security, get linux. My sister got a macbook and has had nothing but massive issues with it.
PCs will always kick the shit out of a mac dollar-for-dollar (performance wise), because you pay for a nice case and the apple name.
Surgeon General’s Warning: This argument is inevitably going to be full of uneducated, biased, and ignorant responses.
I love PC’s
i love pc`s to but my brother works at mac there top shit i would go with them