April 25th cruise, updates start on page 15

1: SSmokinn SS
4: 99FRC
5: kramerbuccs24
6. ninety1two40
7. plaf salad
8. emuscles with mr wheeler

you bringing Brit??? Reason Im asking is jennie is comming and her and brit seem to be close now lol

oh yea tell britt to keep up her end of the deal and bring tori.

yeah she’ll be there, i think dave is going to get her cousin as well, women FTW

you know where shes at

Ill be at test and tune, sorry boys and girls!

How do you guys talk girls into going with you. I can only ever get gold digging sloars to have anything to do with cars

i wish i could leave her home to be honest, shes a damn cling

Buy a domestic and you shall find out!

your problem seems to be that youre a complete dick to women

doesnt work. I own two. Fuck it though Im not complaining.

Well, youre a lost cause Paul:lol :tongue


pretty much but thats ok in this situation.

1: SSmokinn SS
4: 99FRC
5: kramerbuccs24
6. ninety1two40
7. plaf salad
8. emuscles with mr wheeler
9. LKSi copiloting a sweet Tiburon


what time is this all happening? i have to hit the gym b4 hand so let me know. kthnxbai

i thought it was 2 at exit 11, may be wrong though

thats the plan

better be at the gym bright and early.