April 3rd cruise....?

I’ll grill by myself and you habibs can go spend 25 dollars on the same food, then :lol

Nah, it’s all good man, grilling sounds like a great idea! It’s just something that everyone would have to stick to doing. Honestly, i’d be easier if you brought all the supplies, and we all just gave you a few bucks. Fact is, people WILL back out, and we would not want to be left without chips, buns, etc.

What do u think I am made of money here? :lol

I’m just being realistic. Fuck, I had to back out of a cruise that I set up last year, due to starting a new job. Shit happens. If we all ‘sign up’ to bring shit, and someone does not come, everyone could be left short.

Not difficult to cruise to a store and buy 3 for 1 buns :lol

LOL yeah, but if the cooking is up here in BFE, a store could very well be 1/2 hour away.

Ahh, dumpy!

And if this actually happens man, feel free to plan on meeting me at the PnR if you wanna cruise up, and back with someone else, AFAIK I don’t have a passenger.

Aiight, Ill let ya know man. Gotta check the schedule and whatnot:thumbup

No prob, just keep an eye on the tread and see if this actually happens, lol.

I’d come if it was Sunday, prolly not Saturday though. Just honest input

I may just meet up at the P&R and then bounce when you guys head up there.

every cruise is the same!!! lets meet at PNR. lets go up north, blah blah!! once and while yes, but u have tried to get the same cruise like 4x. im not hating on u for trying, but lets do something different for once.

how about this. picnic at saratoga state park. we will have a sign up sheet for things to bring. say around the begining of may. let it warm up some and give everyone more time so they can actually plan.

the picnic that me/killerblackbird organized 2 years ago in guilderland turned out fucking great in my opinion, same with the chill’n’grill 2 yrs ago.

dis is what im talking about! grill and chill is so much better than the same god damn cruise up north.

Yeah E muscles should set it up. He brought like 250 bucks worth of food and drinks to Adams last saturday lol.


Working on it.

I strongly encourage anybody who wants to make any sort of event happen to follow Archies rules, because his events have never failed and were always fantastic.

It’s a sticky in the events section for a reason.


Also keep an updated list of people who say they are going.

Im in if I get new tires in time which is a big if since Im not really focusing on my car at all at the moment. But if I do Im definetly in, I love driving as far away from Albany, Schenectady, Troy, etc. as possible.

Cool, set it up, I’ll be there! I’m sure this cruise up north will work fine, even if it’s just me, Adam (99FRC) and a few others. And if it does not work out, at least I can say that I tried to peel people away from the keyboard and out to do some automotive related events.