April, May and June track days!


Pricing, registration and all other details will be announced as soon as possible. Get your cars ready because the first track day is less than two months away!

Haha If I have my car by april 30th I will come out, because my bday is on the 29TH and that is when I can go for my licence :smiley:

I’ll be there for sure. I’ll bring the car, obviously, but any objections to bringing the bike as well, just for shits and giggles? I have ultra sticky tires waiting for a track day :slight_smile:

  • Mike

I’ll try to be there for June.

I will be there. Don’t know what rims i will be on tho.

Woot 3rd car in pic. Looking good Flavio.

i am in for sure!!!

I don’t think WCMA rules / insurance allow bikes but I could definitely be wrong so someone with the actual rules will have to answer this. This leads me to why the hell I am even typing anything here and why I continue to type. I also wonder why I would even click the submit button but here I go.

Nope, bikes are not allowed under our insurance.

I’ll be there either racing or spectating

Good stuff!! cant wait

Im There. :tonqe:

Hello All,
I’ve been on the forum for a while, but the track day announcment convinced me to send in my money! :smiley:

I’ll be there for as many track days as I can swing. The June one is on my wife’s birthday. Can a guy get food at the track? Maybe we could call it going out for supper!

Anyhow, I’ve got an '89 Skyline GTR that’s only lightly modded. Intake, exhaust, ECU, and instrumentation are the only upgrades. I’ve driven performance vehicles the way they’re meant to be driven a fair bit in my past, but never on the track. I look forward to getting some pointers from any resident experts you’ve got!



Unlike other club’s events, our price include BBQ food and drinks for 2 people! So yeah, it’s dinner…hope your wife appreciates burgers and pop! :E

And yeah, we need to see more Skylines out at the track, because I’ve been told the GT-R can nevah lose! :E


Umm yes. we are all very, very good drivers and we will have tons of wisdom to impart upon you…NOT. Well, at least not me.

Welcome Dan. Can’t wait for a third GTR to join us on the track

Only if we get rid of all those weird looking cone things. …or at least that is my excuse.

Yeah, I noticed that Dave 2 doesn’t seem to realize that pressure on the right pedal is necessary to clock a good time. :E

You have nearly three months to suck up. Get started!

I will try to make it out to all of them, and flavio and kent are going down

My time is decent enough for a fat ass GT-R on a track like that compounded by the fact that I don’t really have a clue how to drive and am scared sh#*less of breaking something expensive.

Do I care that other so called “lesser cars” beat me? No, I have my excuses to keep me warm.

This summer is going to be so much fun.


Aww look. It’s Dave’s pity party and everyone is invited! :smiley:

Not sure the R32 qualifies as a “fat car”, Dave. It doesn’t weigh that much - certainly less than the WRX’s that come out. I can understand not wanting to break anything expensive though. That said, just look at it this way, 1) If you get into trouble, the worst that can happen is that you’ll spin out. On pavement. 2) The R32 was nearly unbeatable in endurance events around the world. I don’t think a few cones and 90 seconds of driving are going to kill it. :E