April, May and June track days!

You keep telling yourself that. :thumb …ike I said, start sucking up now. :prayer:

Did you check out this? http://www.n-e-c-c.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4771


Very interested. If I can make my schedule fit I’ll be there.

Thanks for doing a bunch of info gathering!



If you really want to impress, let her drive the Skyline at the track.

Or better yet, send her off for a spa day and plan a wicked dinner at a nice restaurant for her, then disappear (wink, wink) for a few hours while she’s getting pampered. EVERYBODY WINS! :E

Great suggestions! Hey - are you married? If not, you should be!


Great suggestions! Hey - are you married? If not, you should be!


BAHAHA Kris married??

Maybe to his cats.

But anyways lets keep this on the topic of the track days

Werd. lets keep it on topic boys. I’ll be pruning this thread in a bit.

How much was did the event cost last year for non-members?

I will be there, if anyone is interested :smiley:

I believe it was $45 for non-members?

That is correct, and prices will remain the same this year.

$35 members
$45 non members

How many runs do you think we will get for our 35 or 45 bucks? Maybe a wierd question but can we pay twice for twice the amount of laps? I love paying $450 a tire!! :roll:

It was about 9 runs last year. That was with about 20+ people.

This year the number of runs will increase because we have a more advanced timing system that can run mulitple cars.

And no, paying twice is not an option. lol.

Yeah, I believe the highest number of laps logged last year was about 12 or so. You might not think that 9-12 laps is a lot of seat time, but to be honest as the day rolls on people tend to get a little tired and start losing the desire to lap, so if you’re dedicated to getting as many runs as possible, you’ll definately score plenty.

are there any specific dates or tentative dates to when the events are happening?

These dates have been officially booked with Namao:
April 30 // Track Day #1 Edmonton - Namao
May 27 // Track Day #2 Edmonton - Namao
June 25 // Track Day #3 Edmonton - Namao

NICE! Can we have the start Times, and how and when to pay and register by. So we can Spread the Word.

Ya, we will get that together as soon as we can. Still working on everything.

I am planning on hauling my ass down to edmonton for atleast the april event.

I hope I can make it.

Hey, you’re more than welcome. Hopefully we can set you up! :smiley:

Ill try to see if I can make the may one. dont know If I will be here

Fuck im missing the first one!!! FACK!!