AR-15 people question in here

ok so i had my gun all set to go to the range today, fuck rain. anyways my friend comes over sees it out and thinks its ok to pull back on the bolt and chambers a round now the bolts stuck and i cant remove it, i live in the city so cant go out back and let it go and dont want one chambered. Before i get flamed for leaving gun laying around its usually locked up i was in the shower when he came over and decided to fucking pop in a clip and draw back. Anyone know how to get it removed?

Sooo is there just ONE round stuck in there?

Is the bolt fully closed?

Have you popped the body pins to open it up to free it from the inside?

Does the Bolt Move at all?

Pull harder on the bolt, If anything it will strip the ring, but then at least you have the bolt out of the way and can use an extractor tool to get it out.

wow, thats not cool, are you using reloads? there is one way to get a stuck round out, and i recomend leaving the weapon in a case and taking it out to the woods to do it, just for the neighbors safety. What you do is with the weapon on SAFE at all times, you hold the weapon straight up, keeping your face well away from the muzzle at all times. unlock the charging handle, and while applying pressure to the charging handle, tap the butstock on the ground with decent force. It uses the intertia of the bolt to assist pulling the stuck round out of the chamber. DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT USE A CLEANING ROD TO TAP IT OUT. You will compress the powder, and risk taking your hand off when it explodes. The technique I explained does work, and I have used it at my .Mil job.

If your still not comfy doing it, let me know. I build AR-15’s and am very very comfortable working on them, I would be willing to help you get that pesky round out. But really, tap the butstock and be done with it, then figure out why your round is out of spec.

i pulled the gun apart so if anything at least it can be fired. it was just cleaned and pulling on the handle doesnt release the bolt. Is there a secondary release or should i just try prying it open, its set all the way in he said he didnt release it but then hit the forward assist so that chambered the round ugggh this is why everyone needs to be educated “GUNS ARENT FUCKING TOYS”

ok i got it out, the bolt wasnt moving at all at first so i left had a cig relaxed got the asshole out of my house and re examined it seems the bolt was hanging up on that front star thing (dont know tech name) but i had enough room to stick a small eyeglass screwdriver in there and just tap it a little to release whatever it was grabbing on and it just fell out. I been working on this for like an hour i think i was just agrevated between him appologizing and my shit appearing broke. I just recleaned and oiled the bolt this time i didnt do this while cleaning the barrel cuz i only put about 250 rounds through it. Just goes to show ya you gotta clean everything. thanks guys.

I love when counterstrike junkies play with real guns and have no clue what they are doing.

Normally a round wouldnt do that, but if your using reloads or cheap ammos it might be just a hair off and the AR-15 tolerances being what they are, makes it much more likely for that to happen.

Make sure your bolt is tracking properly, sounds like that may be a future concern.

yeah thats what i was thinking, this shouldnt happen on a new gun with less then 1000 rds having gone through it, im gonna have it looked at. I think it was more a case of someone not knowing what he was doing fucking with it then when he couldnt get it out he was freaking cuz he didnt want me finding out and he was running out of time.
This is why i think baning weapons and not educating people is stupid. accidental deaths are because of people not knowing what the fuck there doing and just trying to figure it out through what theyve seen in movies. How the fuck he knew to use the forward assist to chamber the round is beyond me though i think he was just pushing and touching anything he could like a fucking kid thank god he didnt fucking kill someone.

Ya lost me on the star thing. Are you talking about the bolt face?, that the round sits in. is supposed to engage the barrel extension, and on the last bit of bolt carrier movement, it rotates to lock it into place. As the bolt moves back, that bolt face rotates, unlocking it and then it will pull out of the barrel extension. If it didn’t want to rotate, then I would look real good at the teeth on the barrel half, to see if its got carbon on it. The carbon will get smashed flat from the bolt hitting it as it engages, and it will make the carbon look shiny like metal. Take a small screwdriver and very gently scrape the barrel area to see if carbon flakes off. That bolt should move in and out like butter, if not fix it or you will mess some stuff up when it gets worse and the 28,000 psi of operating pressure screws it up. Great animation of the weapon cycling to see how it locks

at least he didnt pull the trigger.

Ive always wanted guns to not have the bolts move when the safety is on, but thats me.


yeah i think thats what it was. i had a little play because the inner part was sliding out but once it was at the end of this travel it stuck. It locked into place but wouldnt release, are you saying thats what its supposed to do? was i missing something to release it and i just bypassed it with a screwdriver?
Its allways moved in and out flawlessly and still does so im just confused as to why this decided to happen, maybe it was just a sign so this guy shit his pants and wont go playing with shit anymore. While he was here nothing wanted to work as soon as he left it was fine, this is proof to me that Heston is watching lol.

How new is the weapon? you might have a worn cam pin, or a bolt cam path that isn’t rotating the bolt properly, causing it to catch instead of fully unlocking the bolt.

1000 rounds down range he shouldnt have worn out any of those yet.

only a few months old its been fired twice once 500rds once 250rds cleaned thoroughly the first time and oiled and the second time i cleaned the barrel good and just a quick lookover and cleaned wherever it looked needed the second. the second time i didnt clean the bolt or cam it didnt look like it really needed it. the first time i used cheap WOLF ammo though and it was real dirty after i saw what came out of it i switched to a better cleaner ammo and it berely looked used. I think it was mainly just the lack of cleaning the bolt and re-oiling i wont make that mistake again.

AR-15s need to be cleaned all the time, with the tolerances being so tight ant the carbon that is fired into the chamber.

Personally I would use Remington Ammo. Its very clean, and brass is good. It will be more expensive but you can get a ton of it at a gun show for cheap.

You should be the first in line for education. You left the gun out plain and simple. It should have been locked up. You got lucky.

My gun is of little use to me locked up

Glad you solved your dilemma

a little off topic,Where around here can you buy an AR and what is the going price?

Buffalo Gun Center. ~$800 - $3000

…or and have it shipped to any FFL locally.