getting a stripped bolt out?

ok, so after 6 hours of working, articzap and i got within 1 bolt (yes, 1 bolt) of my engine and transmission coming completely out of the truck. this one bolt happens to hold thea braket that has the adjuster for the shifter cable on it. basically, we stripped the head on the bolt. it needs to come out. i dont really wanna torch it because theres a lot of wires/rubber/plastic things around there that could melt. any other suggestions?

u free tomorrow morning? ill get it out

stripped bolts are the suck of life, especially when you’re pretty far with what you’re doing and need it off. if possible, i’ve gone to the point of cutting them off when i’ve stripped a couple

I’ve got a set of those Craftsman rounded bolt removers if you want to borrow them. You break them, you stand in line for the free replacement though (I’m assuming they’re lifetime like most Crafsman stuff).

Bolt Removers > *



these things have saved my ass many a time. :tup:

i need a set of those

IRWIN Bolt extractors, with heat, but you might snap the head off, then have to drill it out and re thread the hole


i PMed joe, and im gonna try and pick up a set of those rounded bolt extractor things. i thought they made something like that but i was so tired and out of it last night i couldnt remember lol.

You won’t be sorry you bought them.

yeah i’ve kinda been meaning to get them for a while, but i always get lucky when i wokr on cars and this never happens. but they do seem like a worthwhile investment

IRWIN Bolt-Grip or Craftsman Bolt-Out.

IRWIN makes both, but the IRWIN version is better because you can use a ratchet directly on the Bolt-grip, instead of having to slide a socket over the bolt-out.,0,640,640&scl=2.56&fmt=jpeg

We make both of those. ^

The craftsman version just has a round hole so it can slide over threaded rod.

Tip: Hammer the extractor onto the bolt head for more bite.

just got back from sears with the “Delux Set” :slight_smile:

ooh let us know how it goes

man i gotta get those sometime :tup:

i slept in today

^lol at joe

i got the bolt out, now i just have to figure out how u get the bolt extractor OFF the bolt. but thats not a priority at the moment.

vice grip on boltend, reverse twist out. :tup:


the bolts fucked and you won’t reuse it. Take some vise grips to the threads or put in a vise and pull the extractor off.

Or… thread it back in a tad and use the socket and band the extractor off.