removing stripped bolts

i finally put the head on the civic today. i put the timing belt on , it was to lose and i go to losin the adjuster pulley and the 14mm bolt is stripped . so i threw a 1/2 ratchet in the woods . anyway i went to advanced and they have this bolt out kit . do they work , or is there another way so that i don’t have to spend 25 bucks on this kit when i only need the one socket. thanks

if the botls completly shiut i got a nice set from sears that has blades like inside a socket that goes over and cuts into the head and allows you to back it out…

if not that drill and easy ou

ps learn some touqe specs heman… we also have vast amount of sponors on the board that guess what has the right tools for the job and have a pretty good idea about installing bolts without stripping them and even better you dont have to touch your car at all!!

i’m not a heman .lol . i just try to be . but the past owner was the heman and he thought he was a bodyman which he wasn’t . anyway whats the retail price on one of those set.

just pound a 13mm onto it with a hammer and then take it out. or get the one that spangler is talkin about. the sockets with the reverse thread blade thingy inside.

15-25 bucks i think???

dunno maybe less??

don,t waste ur money.pound a smaller socket on it like mac said and u,ll most likely be able to get if out that way :beer:


well did u get it out :dunno:

well when you have snap on sockets that cost a lil bit more then the actualy tool… then you dont wanna smash a socket on there… :ugh:

i have the sockets here. let me know and i can swing past and help you out