It’s the same thing when they ask if you have any knives, guns, hand grenades, rocket launchers, etc in the car. They’re gauging your reaction. If you don’t crack a smile or overreact to the grenades/rocket launcher options, then you’re probably doing something wrong.
exactly, they’re trained to try and catch you in lies… if they have to tell a little white lie to catch you, they’ll do it. but it’s mostly trick questions like “when was the last time you did illegal drugs?”
IB4 Rant about Amherst, Americans, Police, Suburbs and Kittens.
And don’t forget: “This is why Buffalo sucks…”
just tell them that you have a dead hooker in the trunk and you need to get to an empty field ASAP so the car doesnt smell…works everytime…
fuck those kind of cops…when we got pulled over 2 weeks ago the cop called me “mickey thompson” and told rich (letitroll) that harnesses and gauges were for “living his life one quarter mile at a time” its pure hog shit…they always look for an excuse to try and pin something on you whether or not your guilty…
Since most people are not honest, or think they can just try and be slick and weasel their way out of a situation, you can always expect a cop to ask the same question multiple times.
Do you really think he’s going to just say “ok have a nice night” when you say you had one drink? I imagine for those who are actually being truthful it is quite annoying to have the question asked repeatedly. Blame the fuck tards who drink and drive for that.
My guess is that they got a call of a red car in the area that was suspected of driving drunk…
Especially if after getting pulled over, you get pulled over again by the same department…
Quit whining, be happy that police are actually doing their job.
I got pulled over at 3am in greece once.
He asked me if i had been drinking, I was nervous as hell and had adrenaline going and such.
He asked me again, I try to bring myself together, and say. I havent had a drink all night.
He asks do you have any knifes guns grenades or rocket launchers in the car. I burst out laughing at the grenades. rocket launchers.
he yells at me to stop laughing and i tell him i have a pocket knife on me and i will pull it out real slow if he would like.
He tells me to get out of the car.
I do so, He throws me against my car, asks which pocket its in, I tell him, he pulls it out, checks the length for legality, and puts it on the car.
Checks my licsense and papers. Comes back. At the time im leaning against my car smoking, and he asks if i have an extra cigarrette.
I give him one, we shoot the shit for a little while, he apologizes for accusing me of drinking and for throwing me against the car but it was only to protect himself.
I say no problem have a good night.
Started as an asshole and became real cool as i treated him like a person not a dick
Cops driving around pulling people over at 2am on a drinking holiday asking if they are drunk and assuming that they have been drinking is just the same as living in amherst, looking out your window and seeing a group of black people and think they are causing trouble.
At least they are looking and who knows how many lives they might have saved doing so. Even when you are pulled over, their cars caue other drivers to be more aware for that period of time and might save a life.
for the second time, i wasn’t in the Z…read the thread before you start sucking the cop’s dick.
and i did tell the officer once or twice that i understand he’s just doing his job while answering his questions…being very polite the whole time…but for him to still feel the need to make me blow after saying i wouldn’t mind doing so without it being requested of me…dumb.
First…I don’t have to sit here and read every dipshit response to get the gist of the story, you didn’t mention what car you were in within your original post
Second…they probably got a call for a _______ colored car in the area driving suspiciously…
Third…I include you in the dipshit responses. Hope some drunk wrecks your car one day, then you won’t be bitching about a cop doing their job, you will instead be bitching because omggzz why didn’t they have a checkpoint setup blah, blah, blah.
And for all of you out there that say they get “randomly” pulled over all the time, its likely not very random. I drive through Amherst, Kenmore, ToT, all the damn time, day or night. Not once have I ever been pulled over for something I didn’t do. A lot of shitty drivers here that, fail to signal, can’t maintain your lane, speeding, etc etc etc…any of those will set off a flag, especially whens its +2am
:word: thats all it comes down to
well, if you’re not doing anything wrong, then what can they write you a ticket for? if you did something wrong and they legitimately write you a ticket for doing something wrong, than whats wrong with that? I deal with Amherst cops on a daily basis, and maybe its because I’m a fireman and am working with them, but most of the ones I’ve dealt with are not assholes. I have the feeling a lot of times when people tell these stories that they alter what cops really did and/or said so that they look like the little angel with the halo over their head.
Mike, I got a ticket for having factory privacy (tint) glass on a Blazer last week.
oh I’ve had run-ins with asshole cops in the past, tho not recently. If you are honest and decent to them, it disarms them pretty quickly.
I can’t blame them for 1) doing their jobs 2) watching out for their own safety 3) playing the statistics.
but this is what these threads always boil down to.
What state was the car made for?
Did he actually use the reader on it?
you have to think about it, when a cop pulls you over, they have no clue who you are, what you have in the car, etc. for all they know, you could have a gun in your hand are are gonna shoot them as soon as they walk up to the car. sounds crazy but it happens, so you never know. I did a police ride along back in high school, and when we pulled people over, you get a little nervous walking up to the car, because you really don’t know what you are getting into. The cop doesnt know you, so I can understand them laying down the law right away with you, because they dont know what could happen either. I think thats where a lot of people get the “asshole cop” thing from. now granted, they could be a little nicer sometimes, but sometimes they have to be stern with some of the more feisty people out there, and you might think to yourself “well I’m always polite to cops and I would never give them attitude or get rowdy with them” but how are they supposed to know that?
I would rather they do this, and be cautious, than not do it all. Drunk Drivers deserve to be stopped and charged. If I was driving while intoxicated, I would rather be thrown in jail than to die and/or kill someone.
My statement was not really intended to be any sort of opinion. Just an observation that it was a known drinking night, so they were out looking specifically for DWIs. Nobody had mentioned it, so I threw it out there.
didnt someone post this EXACT same story not too long ago? I believe the last story took place with Amherst police, and they accused him of the exact same thing…when the driver was asked how much he drank because they could smell it and he was swerving, he said none. Then they asked how much weed he smoked, and they said none. Then they proceeded to take him out of the car, etc. I actually think that specific story ended with the driver being tossed on the car and them searching the whole car.
it’s the time.
I got pulled over after midnight by a sherrif years ago.
First thing he asked me was how much I had to drink.
I was 18 so obviously I wasnt coming back from a bar.
Thats pretty much all he asked me.
He went and ran my license, then I was on my way.
I guess they figure the average person is in bed at 1-2 in the morning, so the only people out must be leaving bars.