are deposits on vehicles from the dealer refundable?

The problem I have is that they charged me 4 days after the fact, and I wasn’t in contact with them since that day I went in. Apparently, I wasn’t finished with the paperwork either, so I don’t see how they can charge me and hold my money, when the deal wasn’t complete.

I told the salesman Robert Pierce, I wasn’t fully comfortable leaving a deposit, and he said it was fully refundable. Dealing with Jason Mueller, is terrible. Fuck that dude too, and these lying bastards at Northeast Acura.

i agree, but if said contract violates existing law its worth going to court… if it was a very large deposit

EDIT: which i see there is not

If you made the deposit with a credit card i’d try reversing the charges

I made a deposit on a car in conn. and didn’t have a problem getting it back.

I thought you had the right to refuse a car at delievery, i guess that doesn’t mean you have a right to your deposit back tho

I filed a dispute with my credit card company. it takes 45-50 days for it to become complete.

I’ve contacted Acura customer relations in this regards.

I’ve emailed the Attorney General’s office as well.

I guess I could contact the local news station and tell them about the shady dealings going on there. The bad PR wouldn’t be too good for them.

Also, $400 is not a lot of money? That’s almost two car payments.

did you post 400 before? its worth bitching over thats for sure. Also think its worth complaining to the AG’s office even though its not technically against the law. if it seems like an unfair practice, i think its still appropriate to go to them and just the threat of it can get you somewheres sometimes

can you explain a step by step process of what exactly has happened. there is a huge piece of the puzzle that is missing here and as of right now, i don’t see a reason for you to get the money back other then the sales man verbally agreeing to something that was never written down

all sales people are shady imo. They would give the rights to their first born for commission.

it’s how you make money man. if we don’t sell, we don’t make money.

it all depends on the person your dealing with and the dealership your buying from.

it’s just like landscapers man, some are scum bags and half ass shit, others care about the customer and take there time to do shit right.

I stand corrected I thought here was a law on the books in NYS.

When I was in sales whether or not I refunded a deposit depended on the customer and the situation. If I did all kind of specs and/or CAD drawings for them and in the end they just didn’t feel like doing the deal anymore then they wouldn’t get there money back. If there was a problem with getting the financing put through then I would refund there money.

i love how there is so many people in this thread who think they know for a fact that they have to refund your deposit.


i guess the next time u put a deposit on a car dont be surprised or mad if its get sold on you before u finish paying for it.

^^ if they sold a car i had a deposit on and refused to refund said deposit… i’m going to think there is some breach of contract there. otherwise whats the point of a deposit.

I think (obviously incorrectly) that there is a general perception that a deposit on any non-perishable good should be refundable.

i will just avoid putting a deposit on any car in the future

The thing is cars on a dealers lot are like a perishable item. They are paying financing fees on them for every day that they sit on their lot, so if you go in put a deposit on a car and then a week later say I don’t want it they have lost the ability to sell that car for a week to every Tom, Dick or Harry off the street. That is why they don’t want to refund the deposit. It sounds like hangyourcross is getting screwed though if the saleman told him the deposit was refundable, but they aren’t holding up to it.

Personally I’d go back to the dealership and start a huge arguement in the middle of the sales floor with the manager when there are other potential customers around.

I would become a walking billboard for a day with a sign that says “xxx dealership does not return deposits” and walk in front for a day.

Negative publicity will cost them they more and manager will bring you in quick to negotiate.

make a scene on a saturday afternoon, those will be the days the dealership will be full of customers

i think i may have to do that since going through Acura corporate accomplished nothing.

well contacted BBB, and wten…:rofl

normally…but not at northeast acura
they’re a small volume dealer

attorney general’s office is better place to file a compliant then the BBB.

I did that too. But, I bet they get a ton of complaints, so they haven’t got back to me yet.

i dont think WTEN is gonna make a story about someone not getting a deposit refunded.

You should do like vlad said and walk around out front with a sign, feel like an idiot and maybe get your refund

why not just buy the car?