are deposits on vehicles from the dealer refundable?

i dont live near albany and i work everyday of the week.

Put up a craigslist ad for that :rofl

ahahah that would be funny.

Dude its probably a lost cause and its gonna be easier to soak the loss up and just earn 400 bucks at work easier than wasting time and fighting for it yano

it’s refundable, even if you back out

We should all just email them and say “hey, i hear you guys like to steal peoples deposits, sounds like your real dirtbags over there”

Not a bad idea.

No, that won’t be worth anybody’s time. What you could do, if you’re so intent on e-mailing this company, is ask them if they offer a refundable deposit on new vehicle purchases.


no, i don’t want to put down a deposit and then take it back. i think it’s not a bad idea to have multiple people email them and bring it to their attention that their shady business dealings and being spoken of, and people are taking note.

not true



Northeast Acura: Thank you for choosing Northeast Acura!
System: We have alerted the online representatives that you are waiting. Someone should be with you momentarily.
Northeast Acura: We appreciate your patience. One of the online representatives should be with you momentarily.
System: A representative has joined the conversation. Compose your message below and then click Send.
Customer Service Representative: Hello, How may I help you?
You: I am interested in purchasing a new TL on your lot, however I also have my eyes on a new Buick Regal and am having a hard time deciding between the two. If I place a deposit down on the TL, and then later decide that the Buick is what I need, will I receive my deposit back?
Customer Service Representative: I will do my best to assist you, my name is Shannon. May I ask with whom I am chatting?
You: My name is Benjamin Stern, I am from Loudonville, NY
Customer Service Representative: I am not sure about that, Let me check with my Internet Sales Manager on that for you. What would be the best number for us to reach you at?
You: I prefer to be contacted via the computer for personal reasons
You: I believe I spoke with John about this about two weeks ago
Customer Service Representative: Ok, and what did he say
You: He said that it was 100% refundable, however I would like to have this documented just to be sure.
Customer Service Representative: Sure, I understand, I can email that information, what is your email address?
You: xxx
You: It’s my grandsons email address, I am still new to the computer.
Customer Service Representative: Sure, thanks, Benjamin
You: Okay thank you, and have a splendid day, Shannon.
Customer Service Representative: your welcome

nice. i wonder if they’ll actually email.

My fees are $40/hr to continue the investigation.

Yes, true. If they do not refund your deposit then they cannot sell that car, that deposit entitles you to that vin. It’s as simple as that.

btw, you can have a deposit down to hold a car for a decent amount of time. I put a deposit down on my truck and then waited about 2 months until i sold my wrx before i went and picked it up.

Judging from Alpine’s conversation i would just pursue it, i have a feeling you’ll get it back. Best of luck to you

is there a law for that?

Well your money goes towards something doesn’t it?

Sounds logical, although not sure on actual law.

Any contract is two ways. If they hold you liable for picking up the car, then they are liable for having it for you.

If they sell it refusing to refund the money within the contract period of then holding it for you for the deposit, they breach contract and would have to refund the money.

Works in my head anyway.

Plain and simple: It’s bad business to keep someones deposit, especially when you tell them it’s refundable. If it’s an appointment for service, that’s different… but a material item that can be sold? Come on.

so i can call them and say, “hey you better not sell that tsx since i have a deposit on it.”

they’d tell me to fuck off.

Read the edit above and check the papers you signed.

There is their part to agreement as well.

I’m sure they legally can’t sell a car to someone else if they took a deposit on it without refunding it, until contract terms are up.

That’s double dipping sorta speak.

well i emailed them once again using this logic of selling the car. i dont think it will be going anywhere.