buying a car from a dealer out of state

Not really worried about in transit permit which seems to be the question around here. I’m more worried about ho to go about putting a down payment on the car in question to make sure It won’t be sold on me before I get there and also to be able to get refunded if I decide I don’t want the car. I thought I read something like this on here before and was just wondering what actions to take.

Put it on your credit card. Call your cc company and dispute charges If the car turns out to be shit and they won’t refund your deposit. Of course you would want to tell them up front that if the car is not to your liking you expect a full refund of your deposit no questions asked.

When I bought my car out of state I used PayPal. If the dealership is legit getting your money back shouldn’t be that hard, I think credit card or PayPal would be safest though.

Credit card deposit of $250 when I bought the GTO. That was all the dealer asked for. They also picked me up at the airport.

When I bought mine, the dealer didnt’ ask for anything. I called them up, said I’m coming down to get it and they just put it in the “sold” lot.

is this a major network dealer or a corner used car dealer?

Thanks, I used my credit card for the deposit. This is there website. It looks kinda sketchy on google maps or bing. Unless it’s just not updated. Idk, we’ll see.

If I had to guess you bought a 335/328 eh?

Those prices are cheap


2008 335i 40,000 miles 20k

I really can’t afford a 335 right now and don’t want to empty out my bank account. I haven’t ever owed money on a car and don’t want to start now. when I get my house that’s the only thing I want to owe on. You should be able to tell what I’m getting with my previous posts. Lol