Are Your Parents Divorced?

parents split up when i was 10… they both kinda failed as parents anyway and my grandpa pretty much raised me. I think i turned out better because of it.

I have grandparents that are divorced, thats gotta count for something right?

yes mine are divorced. recently just happenend and mom just moved out about a month ago. My parents get along better now…so i guess that’s a good thing.

People should just man up and get through their problems.

Bitch ass divorced people.

my dad was married before my mom, to a complete cunt that left him 50K in debt…mind you that was back in the early 80’s so like 75-80K now? yea shes a cunt rag supreme…guess he knew what NOT to look for with my mom…

Happily married 54 years or so.

Mine are married, but I think they should separate, what does that mean?

My dad’s generally a douche, and my mom deals with everyone’s shit and is pretty much a saint.


my mom scooted on me after i was born:wtf: :rolljerk:

My dad got with a new chick when i was like 4 and then married her when i was around 10. then they had a child together.

I never got over my mom leaving it makes me sick to even think about having a child and just leaving to never speak again.

After my dad and stepmom had a child it was like the family was 3 against 1. they had a child in common and i was just my dads. i got out of my house as soon as i could. I hate people that run away from their problems. Especially if their are kids involved.

I dont disagree with people getting divorced because lets face it shit happens, people change and fighting can lead to a very dangerous situation for both parties and children. But if someone leaving is the answer make sure the kids get fair treatment, companionship, and compensation for their loss.

so, you were out of wedlock?


I was`waiting for that…

+1 … my parents are still together, but my g/f’s mom is on her 3rd marriage…

she is very mature cuz she had to help support things with her mom and very serious when it comes to relationships.

on the other hand, my previous girlfriend’s parents were also divorced, and she was… well… a very “giving” person. i think it just depends on the situation … ie if they got remarried and/or if their new person is a dickhead or not.

yea… you tossed up a creampuff. :slight_smile:

My Mom and Dad are pretty much June and Ward Cleaver. :shrug:

Divorced when I was 3, mom remarried and has been ever since, dad remarried, got divorced.

us childrens from da br0ken homs r gone have 2 kick ur pansie ass!

I’ll beat you with my silver spoon!

+1 your mom is a saint.

Divorced rents, mother re-married, rents get along great now.

Both sides happy = win.

I got your back… my parents have been together for 30+ years.

Not everyone that gets divorced does it for selfish reasons. My mom got divorced because my dad was a druggie and beat her and I up. Does that make her a bad person for getting a divorce?

parents got divorced when I was 9 or so, mom re-married a cool ass guy, dad had a perfect girlfriend and fucked it up by going to ukraine for a mail order bride and she robbed him or some shit idk I havent talked to him in years after he started calling my friends parents and telling them we were smoking crack, because I threw a party when he was out of town. but those are stories for another day lmao

good thing they got divorced though, they used to fight like crazy. there were several other reasons including physical abuse etc. that lead to her decision as well.