Yes or no… i was thinking about it today and almost all of my close friends parents are divorced, while mine are not. so, poll it up y0.
ps. its private.
Yes or no… i was thinking about it today and almost all of my close friends parents are divorced, while mine are not. so, poll it up y0.
ps. its private.
put a back together option
wtf someone has a gay dad?
i should have made it public… now im curious damnit
divorced like 14 + yrs ago.
Hell I don’t blame him for leaving her, she was a cunt, straight up.
Now he fucks girls my age.
does dead count?
Thankfully no.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen them fight once.
I was thinking about this the other day too. Weird.
dad and mom split ways 12 years ago mom married his best friend now mom and dad get along better then they ever did … dad trys to bang chicks i went to HS with younger /and older
Not divorced, but most of my friends parents are divorced.
Here’s some of the best advice when looking for a gf: if her parents are together and their family is close, marry that girl.
yeah, my rents are still together… but most people I know have parents that got divorced (multiple times in some cases)
long since divorced.
dad remarried a couple times; mom, once.
thats the fucking truth! :tup: its funny to think about and be like naw it doesnt matter if her parents are divorced, but it really is true…
my mom left my dad and took me with her when I was very young. Didn’t get a father untill I was about 13, and thankfully they have been together since.
Seriously I had a girl whos parents divorced and she was a well i will leave it alone. Now I have Sarah, and her family is super close. she is the best girl i have ever dated.
Thanks for throwing in that 3rd option for me sweetie.
100% true, my gal is the best
I disagree. My parents were divorced when I was two, and watching my mother deal with trying to find someone new made me realize how much I never want to get divorced.