Has anyone ever been hated by a significant other's family?


Real quick run down.

I know a girl, who has a highly strict and religious middle eastern family.

And she wants to date this boy.

But her parents won’t let her. Her parents feel as if they need to make decisions for her, and don’t give her much freedom.

they also dislike people from other race’s/religions.

her father is a real tightass about relationships, and her mother is more lenient.

this kid has a good head on his shoulders, and would impress any other set of parents.

how can this girl and guy convince her parents to atleast give him a shot?

and honestly…this isn’t about me (i have enough shit to worry about). i just need some opinions.

I bet I know the girl.

Does her name start and end with D :wink:

well…it depends on her age etc.

if she is old enough to make her own decisions, her parents must understand that.

i’d bring him over to the house and see how it goes. Usually parents are nice face to face and just talk smack when the person leaves.

It’s worth a shot.

there ya go, thats all that matters to them

that doesn’t matter…

i’ve been through this before… it DOES NOT matter one bit

eventually they will have to try understand or the child just rebels from their rules.

edit: and i’m asking how old she is, because if she’s like 14, different story but being 21-25…come on.

No they really really don’t… if its strict like he says they will go as far as telling the girl she is on her own


they’ve let her date. its just they dont agree with it.

if that was the case i’d go on my own to prove i was responsible enough to make my own decisions. (age depending)

edit- since she’s 19… she’s old enough. bring him over. see what happens.

My brother just recently broke up with an egyptian girl. Her family had probably like 65% to do with it because of their clashing beliefs.

Then you’ve just betrayed the family and they will despise you forever. All for a boy. Sounds worth it I guess.


not all for a “boy”. I said to bring “him” over and give it a shot.

The point i was making is that i’d def. move out if my parents tried to control my life being my age. It’s a good guess to say that her parents are strict on other things then just dating. It might be good to move out and gain responsibilty herself.

ok example time…

  1. friend has a GF (azn) was supposed to go to NYC to meet her, and bring her back to UB with her on the same flight. The parents we’re fresh off the boat. He said there was no way he was going down there to meet the parents he has been with the girl for a while. He told me that the only time you bring a guy home with you to meet the parents for dinner is if she has a ring on her finger.

  2. another friend, broke up with the girl cause of religion … he was jewish, she was not… end of story

  3. god i’m drunk i’ll fill this in when i remember the details…

but believe me religion plays such a role in this its REDICULOUS… and if you think that you can just sit there and be like i’m gonna rebel against my parents you have a nother thing coming its something that isn’t gonna happen…

It doesnt end with a d?

It was a riddle, homo.

She goes by Dee. Goes/went to UB I think? Havent seen or talked to her in a minute, but yea…same jawn or what?

Well, well, well. We have different opinions don’t we?

Obviously the girl is seeking help to “go against” her parents to have them accept this boy.

She must not be extremely religious herself…or maybe she is? what would you call it? experimenting? borderline rebelling?

differing opinions… I’m all for the girl dating the guy… but you have to experience these things before you realize what its like…

obviously she isn’t religious as them… she was probably born in the US, the great place to kill tradition beliefs

my point exactly.

thank you :wink: :wink:

BUT THE PARENTS BELIEFS WILL NOT DIE!!!1 thats all i am getting at … she could be the rebel marry this kid and SHE WILL NEVER talk to her parents again…