Has anyone ever been hated by a significant other's family?

who said her parents wouldn’t like him when they met him? who’s getting married? we’re talking about a little relationship here. after all, she IS allowed to date.


well its probably much more mild than i’m assuming… so good luck to her… and its highly adviseable to not even bother… it seems like it is totally hit or miss…

holy shit its 3am… i’m going to bed i have 9am class

good night darling.

telll her fam about me… i know who ur talkin about… give her my number…


does his name start with a c

Dude Im in the same boat as this “guy” and “girl”. My GF’s dad absolutely hates me. Ive meet him twice and talked to him collectively for 15mins. In those 15 mins he decided that Im a loser and that Im not good enough for his daughter. Wanna know the reason why Im not good enought to be his daughter? BECAUSE I DONT COME FROM “MONEY”. Dead serious. He thinks that Im a waste of space beacuse I dont have a lot of money and I provide for myself for the most part. Its like something youd see in a movie.

Im lost for ideas as well.

The part that I know Kraus is missing atleast is the whole Middle-Eastern thing, and the religions over there. Yes, we are in america… but over there women are 2nd class citizens and literially traded for animals or work for marriage… thus the reason the family won’t let her off the leash.

The backlash for a woman thinking on her own in that culture is severe, yet alone daddy being cool with some dude that she brings home.

It really doesn’t matter what we as free thinking americans think about what they do, it’s just how close minded that culture is.

did they see the tat?

LOL…yea in HS i dated this chick for like a 1yr and half and her parents hated me…prolly cause I rode BMX and was driving as a sophmore and they didnt like thier lil girl with me

So I suppose sending a post card to her family saying the following would help matters?


Your middle-eastern princess is my middle-legged whore.

With much love,
Your daughter’s boyfriend".

no one caught this? hahah

Ask Twizted about that! lol… He’s why i moved out of my house. Soon parents realize they are retarded and that pushing their child and bf/gf away isnt the answer because they just end up losing their daughter/son over something that is so minute. technically they dont even know if it will turn out to be a long term relationship anyway so why get all hyped up about it? ya know? tell her to stick to what she thinks… she needs to be happy!

ive been with my old lady for 6 years, and have only spoken to her parents 3 times.

the first time was when they kicked me out of their house for sleeping with her.

i would say we dont get a long so well

freak dat bitch out tone and send the pix to mamma with a note that says you be fixin to try this at home

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwnigga awwwwwwwwww


ur silly

all i can say is tell him to hold in there…i waited 2 years until i got her family to like me.

now they love me. but for the first two years they would barley even look @ me. Some parents cant just get over the fact that there daughter is growing up/making her own decisions…

you gon get DPed any goddamn way, girl.

Can’t. All they can do is do their own thing and let their parents choose how they’re going to react.

When you’re parents, you’ll understand a little more I guess.

Not that I have kids or anything.