
Who’s in one, liking it, hating it, etc…?
I’ve been w/ my girl for almost 2 years now, and I’m totally torn. I like her… a lot… but I also can’t stand her. And it’s not like I want another girl, no no… I just wanna be single again. And not to chase tail, or anything fancy and player-ish like that. No sir… I just want my damn freedom back. I’m so damn whipped, it feels like I’m in jail, getting raped by Bubba.
Like… she lacks any sort of temper control, she always gets pissed and makes a scene, she feels she owns me, b/c apparently it’s my duty to call her every day and speak with her for however long she deem necessary, even if my folks are handing over the keys to the house THIS friggin saturday, and we’re SO not packed yet and I have a cuntload of work to do, and I even tell her every time. She also bitches about gifts I get her, even though she always gets me really cheap ones compared to how much I spend on hers. She makes a big deal if I don’t shave, b/c a one day beard on my face bothers her, as well as if I don’t pick up my phone, even though I’m in a lecture (DUH!! we’re both university students)

But then on the flip side, she’s also really sweet a lotta the times, and cheers me up, and every xmas, bday, anniversary, etc… when she writes me a card, she always writes how she’s well aware that she’s a bitch to me and she’s so grateful that I put up with it and stay by her side, and that makes me feel like a total jackass for being mad at her about being that way.
I hate my life atm, b/c I can barely stand this woman, but I can’t even for one second consider leaving her, just thinking it makes me cry like a little kid.

Coles: I hate my life and would like to read about others that are just as displeased with their relationships to make me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

LOL dude…wish I could help. I’ve been with a girl I met recently and we’ve dated for 2 months and she is AMAZING. We both very much have our own lives and don’t play phone tag etc…but always have a great time together. Like wow.

But yeah, something needs to happen with your relationship though. I’ve been in the long ones too. :stuck_out_tongue: You’re gonna have to really get serious and tell her everything that’s driving you nuts in a borderline-threatening manner to get her attention, so she knows really how much it’s bugging you. Or, make the step and break up with her, and stand with your decision and it’s possible consequences. If getting back with her comes into the picture, make sure you get a few things straight first etc…

If she’s worth working it out with, and you could see yourself way down the road with her, then go for it - and tell her everything. But no girlfriend or wife should take your freedom away. You need to make sacrifices, but not like what you’re describing. You both need to be individuals!

My take on it anyway… :slight_smile:

I take it this is the Asian chick you were with at bing’s meet last summer.

I’m no relationship expert but do you fear her leavig you?

If not, give her the cold shoulders and “be a man, do the right thing”,
because what you describe is a total btch/cnt (not that I’m implying
she is but it’s what I think you described).

And certainly not exactly the kind of person you’d want t spend the rest of
your life with? :dunno:

id punch her out she seems like a controling little bitch.

get some balls and drop kick her and get out of that relationship


Haha yea… I know, everyone tells me the same thing. Everytime I try to talk to her about it, we have a huge fight, so I’m seriously just playing the waiting game right now, b/c I’m just so torn.
Oh, and yea… she made a huge stink about me attending the meets in general, ranted on about how “bad and overpriced” the food was at Bing’s, and how I did nothing but look at cars all day. All this and I didn’t go to any of the cruises. Imagine if I had GONE to both :lol: And I missed Bing’s last meet b/c she was mad about how I complain about gas prices and how far she lives, when I’m willing to drive to Niagara to “look at cars all day like an idiot” Ofcourse she was also mad b/c I had told her that I would be taking my friend with the TII instead of her b/c he would actually have a good time and not piss me off.
I cry I cry. But I can’t help it. I really like this girl.
Oh, and the thing you said (Gonad) about her leaving me, that’s the thing I HOPE for secretly inside of me. I would still be heartbroken if she left me, but it would be far worse if I broke up with her. I’d prolly become a total emo kid, listen to Simple Plan all day, dress in black, wear make-up and cut myself.

It’s SOOO over…

You’re right, you’re gonna have to end this for sure…

Haha yea… that is my biggest beef, I can’t believe I forgot to list it. She hates cars! She hates that I spend money and work on my car! And she’s jealous of it and thinks I love my car more than I do her (which may actually be true… I’m not sure… :oops: )

yeah, the sex might be fun and all but remember there’s 2 puss’s to 1 dik on this planet. She sound’s like she don’t have any interestes, in you hobbies. Drop it like it’s a 3 day old big mac.

trust me, I’ve been with my girl for 8 years, if she doesn’t enjoy, or at least try to enjoy the things you love, then it’s not worth it at all.

This has to be balanced. Your girl doesn’t have to enjoy every hobby you have… as you don’t have to enjoy all of her hobbyies either.

Solarian, is there any hobby she has that you don’t like doing? Make a compromise and do car crap while she does her thing…

If she doesn’t make you happy, forget it… some girls are just more trouble than they are worth.

If you really wanted to stay with her I doubt you would have made this post.
It just seems like you just want some kind of validation for breaking it off, with what you’ve posted I’d be hardput to advise otherwise.


as well i think u should post some pics of her to get a better grasp on the situation

I say just kick her in the nuts,

trust me it works,

if she is all liike " I don’t have nuts" then you can be like
well if I kick your box enought then you will swell into nuts.


welcome to life.

just tell her straight up, this what i enjoy (cars) if you don’t like, then tough.

she sounds like a high maintanece girl…that = poo.

break up with her


if she begs for you later

take her back

put the bitch in her place

keep the hand this time

be an asshole

oh ye

Relationships are nothing like troubles dude, I have been together with my girlfriend for 5 years and I would love to be single again, the single life rules. I miss those days so much, just having all the freedom to do what I want when I want etc. Plus sex is better when your single this way you can have a different women when ever you feel like it and you don’t feel quilty because your not cheating on anyone!

Man I miss those single days! …hummm maybe it’s time for a change. FREEDOM!

I did a little detective work and got a hold of her e-mail and sent her a
link to this thread. :o

R.I.P. Solarisin :noes:

My girl is totally NOT into the cars thing, but she totally tolerates it and I respect her by not going overboard with it and doing MOST of the car stuff on my watch. She laughs and makes fun of me playfully whenever I get carried away talking about them. I do the same to her when she starts talking about Cher and some of her musical taste… :shock: But we have nights where she bores me with her stuff and I go along, and vice versa. And she wouldn’t dare say a word about how I spend my own money, unless I was being REALLY dumb and she was looking out for my own interests…you know?

What i’m trying to say is, it’s not the fact that you have different hobbies that is the issue (that’s normal), it’s how she’s dealing with it, and trying to pull you away from your interests - and your own life/freewill.

And since you’ve been together a while, if you do break up, i’d say give yourself some time to get over things (mostly on your own) for a while.

Best of luck!

nuts the NUTS MAN


I don’t think he’s mentioned that he’s a flaming homosexual; unlike yourself :o