
its impossible to give 100% advice on teh subject not know you and not knowing her.

if you are not happy, the last thing you want to do is nothing. so do something.

i would not advise you to give the cold shoulder necessarily, but it could be an option. i also wouldnt take relationship advice from sasha, but thats me, sorry…lol

if she has not displayed the truest of financial responsibility then she has no right to say fuck all about what you do with your money. if however, she is excellent with money then you should listen to what she has to say.

if she doesnt cheat or doesnt give you any reason to think that she would be disonest with you now or in the future then it may be a relationship worth keeping.

if she is shady and keeps information from you that may or may not upset you then there is reason to believe that any marriage would not be a long and successful one.

sex is very important and not just in the getting you off type of way… if the sex is very good then you might consider sacrificing some things and giving in a little bit if you can take away n other areas.

if the sex is bad then tell her to fuck off because the chinese food at my place is the best unless u go for the hardcore chinese food in china town.

i love my fiance and i honestly think she is themost beautiful woman i have ever met, all things considered, not just appearance.

i’ve bene certain that i would marry her since i was 16, which was 2 years before we even began dating.

i’ve fukked up a few times and so has she, in the end we will both be making sacrifices to make our marriage and families work in the long run.

i would pretty much make some serious sacrifices based purely on the fact that the sex just blows my mind… but on the real, she saves all her money, cares so much about her appearance that i know she wont get mad fat, knows how to cook (makes a mean-ass banana bread) and loves me dearly. as a result i would be a fool to let her go and everyone in my family or anyone close to me knows it…

that aside,

i really think that if you dont see it lasting too long you back out of the whole thing in a respectful manner.

you may just need a basis for comparison. it could very well be that you wont find another woman that you enjoy as much as your current girlfriend.

if you come to find that a couple years from now and you have burnt the bridge back then that would be a shame.

if however you say sincerely that although you are happy with the relationship you have had but that there are reasonable grounds to make you feel as though this might not be where you wanna be forever and that you would like to safely and queitly bring the relationship to an amicable end you will probably be able to work your way back if you find out it was a mistake.

never tell a bitch to fukk off unless she cheats on you… and if she does, you kick her in the face.

same goes in reverse.

bing im not reading yours.

Im not srue if it has been said but if your really on the fence about her, take a break, i know it sounds gay but it works i did it with my last girl because i was in the same boat (crazy, controling, always do her things not mine, but she made me happy some times and had amaaazzzing boobies) and i realised i was more then happy with out her in my life.

My new girl is awsome, she is fun sweet has no issues with me going out with friends, while she dosnt like drifting and asks not do do it with her around she comes to the meets with me when i go and pretends to be intrested (even though she did sleep in my car for an hour at bings meet) she is good for me, you have to find someone that you mesh with as it was said before there is a happy medium, I have to go to her baseball games but she has to come to a meet kinda thing, not im going to her baseball game and im not sure what a meet is like.

too long?

Gonad the e-police :lol:
I dunno… we both have our faults, I know I mess up with stuff too, so I can’t really go blaming her for everything. She has one hell of an attitude though, and I can deal with it, but not forever, that I know for sure.
“Stats”-wise, I’d say she’s a keeper though, here’s why:
She definitely has good financial sense, even though I’d also argue that she’s just way too cheap. She doesn’t realize that when you’re amongst friends, you’ll overpay occasionally, and then someone else will end up overpaying another time. You don’t snap on friends if they paid a dollar less than what they should’ve, and she does that to both her friends and mine. Okay, so the cheap-ness is a reason why she’s not good… but she still does have good financial sense, does the whole mutual fund shiet and everything.
She takes care of her house, lil brother, etc… Her mom is a lazy jobless woman that does nothing all day cept bitch at her.
She’s smart & ambitious, not a dumb gold digger or sth like that.
She was a virgin, and sex is good.
She may not be the absolute hottest girl in the world, but imo, she’s up there. I like looking at her, she turns me on.
And when she’s not pissed off, I really enjoy being with her, I feel happy.

And here you have the cons:
Already listed that she’s cheap
One hell of a temper
She’s a hardcore christian, and has beef with the fact that I’m not into Jesus.
She’s very demanding in certain ways, she has to know what I was doing, where I was, when I came back, etc… There’s also things I’m not allowed to do, not even sure what the whole list is, but going to clubs and looking at porn is on there. Yea… I’m not allowed to look at porn. She says it’s cheating. I don’t have a car, and I don’t get to sleep with her for like the ENTIRE school semester, and she has a problem with me looking at porn.

Pretty much all her cons tie to her having one hell of a temper, except for her religious-ness, which is not THAT big of a deal (atleast not to me lol… it’s a big deal to her that I’m not)

dude These are all bad things, really bad things, When she is telling you what you can do, and what you cant, I dont care how amazing the sex is kick her ass to the church or somthing just get out, girls like that are the kind that make your friends hate you

and bing,wwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy to long

dude, your fist post seriously made me laugh… you said you loved that girl but in the next sentence you told us how shitty she is, LOL!

I don’t know what to tell you, cuz I’m still laughing here about the fact that she tells you that you can’t drive your car to a meet hahaha
sorry man… I really am.

But you’ll figure something out…

Well, a really long phone conversation later, I did figure some stuff out. We both kinda promised to work our shit out, and she admitted to her faults and said that she’s willing to change if I’m willing to help her out, and we just kinda went on and on talking about other stuff about our lives, and everything was pretty good. Now obviously I can’t know for sure if things will work out, but it’s a really good start, and I’ve stuck with her this long, so I’m definitely gonna give her the benefit of the doubt and stick with her thru this.

judging by those cons you mentioned i say keep her.

i dont remember what she looked like but i remember hearing that people wondering what the heck she was doing with you so i am sure shes fine…lol

christians are fine, anyone who believes that strongly in anything at the very least has conviction. just get her to stop pushing it on you and you are set. there are a whole bunch of other values that she will also have that will be of benefit to you.

cheap is good. it means you can trust her with your money. much much better than a woman who lives cheque to cheque… those people piss me off.

one thing you are going to have to do is learn in the ways og give-and-take.

my girlfriend doesnt want me to go to strip clubs or have this bachelor party or various other things.

too fukking bad for her.

she can tell me what to do when she lives with me and cooks and cleans, then she can have more say over what i do. i already agreed not to do the lap dance thing and have and will continue to make other concessions, but she has to understand that she doesnt get to have everything her way for exactly the same reasons that she doesnt have to do everything i want her to do.

as you work through most of these give-and-take situations you will find that she will want to do more of the things that she was previously opposed to and you will do the same.

Just so everyone knows, Solarian requested to be self-banned till April.

This is the most EMO thread ever. More EMO then the “What is EMO” thread. Plus I’m watching tad hamilton I feel to EMO now, more than usual. I got wrists to slit.

from what ive been reading, it seems that she wants you to change, but she can stay the same, in a healthy relationship you both have to change and come to some sort of agreement, it cant just be one person working on a relationship, it has to come from both side. eventually the relationship will fall apart. thats all that i can really tell you, the rest you have to decide for yourself and whats best.