“There is no real difference in quality based on what I’ve seen between HD DVD and Blu-ray. Keep in mind that unless your display can handle a 1080p or 1080i resolution the PS3 will downgrade the image into 480p. I don’t know how quickly these two competing formats will catch on, but when it comes to image quality, they both look great.”
“We don’t want to charge customers $200 extra for something that may be the next Betamax,” Henson told me (whoops).
Good article. The writer seems to give a very fair comparison between the two systems and I agree with most everything that he said. This stood out for me though
When the PS3 was being hyped, a lot of people assumed the graphics and feature set would be much better than what we had seen on the 360, and while I don’t think the 360 looked much better in these demonstrations, they do prove that the 360 can ably keep up with the PS3 (and in some cases beat it) in terms of features.
Sony had a full year to add to the PS3 and could use any feedback they could find in regards to what people didn’t like about the 360. This quote proves to me that Sony wasted that year. They could have released a product that was steps ahead of the 360. Instead, they have a product that is similar in many ways (and inferior in a few). Way to waste a full year :bloated: