ASE test results

Anyone recently take any ASE’s? I found out today that i passed all 6 of the ones i took a month ago. I passed A2-A7. I’m pretty damn happy because I thought i only passed like 2 or 3 of them cause they were pretty fuckin hard. How’d everyone else do?

awsome :tup: My old man is Master Certified. Has taken and passed everyone for Automotive Mechanics and Autobody

ya we always get ase style questions at school. tech A says blah tech B says blah…not as easy as it looks, :tup: to your results though

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so annoying…

lol mine said that on thursday so I was dying to find out my results

congrats hun! :tup: :slight_smile:

Congratulations, people dont get enough credit for passing these tests as people just look at us as grease monkeys with patches…

I personally am Master Certified and have L1 done and certified, I need to recert this year though.

woooo 3/3

C1, A4, A5


couldent agree with you more…people make fun of me for going to school to become a grease monkey…ill have the last laugh when i charge them 1300 for a brake job:shoot: