Ask Bing

Bing got it completely right. It sounds harsh, and it sucks to hear it, but it’s the facts of life. My folks didn’t help me out a lot, but they gave me a roof over my head, and they co-signed my loan to pay for school, and they agreed to pay off a large portion of that loan, so that I could move out, and live my life. I’m not dissapointed in them at all, I think they did a pretty good job of raising me. But I WILL go the extra mile for my kids. I know people that went to the nice private schools, had the tutors, and ALL the advantages that life has to offer. I make 50 grand a year now, and that gives me enough to enjoy myself and live a little, but these guys all started above 85 a year. They’re gonna be pulling six figures in 3 years tops. You know what that is? It’s FUCKIN BALLIN.
I’m not gonna buy my kids M3s to play bumper karts with in high school, but I’m gonna make damn sure that everything that could possibly give them a financial edge in their future, they will have. If that means private schooling from kindergarten, then I’ll just have to make more, if I can’t, then sell the G and drive an S13 again :stuck_out_tongue:
If that doesn’t make sense, then you haven’t figured out the point of life yet. It’s WINNING.

haha agreed my parents give me a roof and gave me a decent tuition fund so thats fine with me and if someones parents buy them a very nice(expensive) car thats fine but dont brag about it thats gay all i`m saying is dont be a douch about how well off you are or your parents

be a man and stop crying. all of you.

Please clarify. Beef with what?

I have no idea who you are so I have no beef with you.

Obviously you dont read very well.

The car has been overall purchased by me,
I also pay sky high insurance each month.

I didn’t say I get what I want,
when I was a child, We had nothing, we have a chevy corrisica and it sucked balls.
we lived in a shitty area, and im glad to be where I am today.

The only way I got a gaming system when I was a kid was from doing a paper route until the age of 14.

This is when my family became well,
moved to a better area.

I was raised with nothing,
I was givin a car.

I buy my own grocery’s, clothes, tv’s, game systems, couches, beds, socks, veterinary bills for my dog, & rent.

My family helped me with a car,
that makes me a bad guy?

If I was given everything, and spoiled

just because you and mark were beaten with an ugly stick when you were younger, doesnt give you the right to be a prick to everyone

i dont think he was trying to be a prick sorry if im wrong i think that the way you posted sayin that you where born into money and how ur dads a lawyer is what pissed him off well from my position the way you posted it made you seem like a dick but i understand what you mean about driving a stock car i think it was just said wrong thats all

right, what area are you from again?
Wern’t you the guy who bought jantos’s parted out car and put it back together again?

Your saying I’d get killed for NOT being a wigger?

You think these real thugs like seeing little white boys and shit acting all ghetto in there BMW’s while thug life is on the buss?

Because in my area,
its not missisauga/oakville/etc housing developments where all kids are pretending to be ghetto
I have over 150 CO-OP government housed apartments within a 2km radious of my house…
Real ghetto’s,
I just happened to get across a bridge where Im mildy seperated from all the action.
Everyone who has come to my house knows this.

And hey, I’ had 3 houses and 1 apartment in this 5 km area in the last 19 years, and i havent been any killed yet.
I know my roll, I know how to act, because I’m soft.
I have too much to loose.

So please inform me what your problem is,
What did I do to you that ruffled your feathers so much.
flyinchicken has no beef
why do you?
Is it honestly because your made a mistake and turned west when I CLEAR said east ?
thats the only thing I remember you crying about,

[ willx & flyingchiken were on the way to my house to buy parts ]
[ I told them to go EAST on a street, they turned west, and got lost. ]

id love to know

Step dad is a lawyer,
only father figure I have really so I tend to label him.
& my mom works for the city worker
step dad lives in kitchener
mom lives in toronto.
2 houses =
dumb caucasians

So If I was spoiled guys,
( From marks track day , yea thats right , 1 month later and the car is sitting )

If I was spoiled , I would have already had my rpf1’s on the miata with Crazy tires…
but you gotta budget to afford stuff like that, and its probably going to take me all winter to afford that and the second car project.

SHIT!!! god damn good come back.

you think buy low and sell high is stupid?

you think making money off doing what you love is stupid?

to this day you have never sold anything for a profit?

Man… you have zero entrepreneurial ambition. (nothing wrong with that, the world needs people like that)

I understand there are different types of people on this planet. Some would prefer steady somewhat reliable income (job), while others are willing to take more risk and:

-buy low sell high

-make money doing what you love

and not have a conventional 9-5 wasting time.

in the end some people are not interested in running their own business

but dude

what fucking world are you on bro?

the biggest money is made doing what you just said is stupid

look at donald trump for example: fuck making money off doing stuff you love

its fundamentally wrong!

look at warren buffet for example: fuck making 100billion dollars or what ever he has, lets not buy low and sell high

I never said it’s stupid. I just wouldn’t feel good about myself at the end of the day. And I know for a fact that people always talk shit behind the backs of people that do this. Hell, I was at the west end meet last night, and names came up, and we laughed, and everyone knew, and everyone had the same opinion of these people. I’m not going to repeat them on the forum for obvious reasons. Not that people don’t talk shit about me, I’m pretty sure they do, but if they’re going to do that, I don’t want this to be the reason.

In the end, I believe in creating some sort of value, be it as a designer, builder, distributor, provider of service, etc…
Buying low and selling high doesn’t create any value. It lines your pocket at the expense of others. In the end, doing this makes you a leech that does not contribute to society at all.

OH NO!!! You bought a car there without getting my advise first? Anthony what were you thinking?..Oh crap! What did you buy? …If they give you a hard time tell them you are going straight to OMVIC and UCDA LOL. Bastards LOL.

How come Im getting flash back of the fast and the furious part 1 when Jesse raced the Oriental dude with the S2000 without telling Domenic Toreto first. LOL …I saw that movie on TV here in Greece last week. I now Know how to say stand alone system in Greek! Thanks to sub titles!

As for the rest of this thread…gay!

Guys life is too short to stress over this type of shit.

Back in the day this would of been LOCKED a long time ago!

Where is GTgreg? WTF?
He used to lock up all my shit back in the day lol.

we let the drama queens have their own section to keep the crap off the rest of the boards

You know why ppl don’t like you. It’s your fucking attitude. You take everyone’s comment here like they’re taking a knife to your chest. All I said was calling black ppl ghetto is not cool and to stop your stereotype against african americans. And you come back with a comment about my car? How the fuck is that relevant to what I said about you. Yeah I’d bought Jantos car so what? Are you jealous or something? You take my comment and turned it around like a childish kid. That just proves how much of a man you really are.

I have nothing more to say about you tim.

price is not the only component of value.

Ease of doing business, timeliness, trust, familiarity witih the person / company, expertise, condition, post purchase support, keeping your dollars in the community, keeping your dollars in the country, supporting fellow enthusiasts / friends etc. etc.

all of those are key factors.

if one person buys out of Japan for $400, brings the part over here and you can buy it in person for $600 that may still be of value to you if you were not willing to take the risk sight unseen on a part half way across the world for $400.

The same goes for me, you could maybe save $10 if you chased ebay auctions on some of the items i sell, but if you have a problem with the item then you are stuck with it or paying cross border shipping twice more if the seller is even willing to help you.

if you buy your SR20 and have it shipped from the US or Montreal and it doesnt start you are shit out of luck… if you spent a couple bucks more and bought from varun you would have a new motor in your hands a couple days later.

Antonio, the people you are talking to are shallow and unintelligent. They fail to see the whole picture, as do you apparently. This same outlook is the root cause of alot of industry issues to the detriment of companies like Greddy, Apexi and all the others that are losing sales.

The same outlook caused major issues for IBM in the 80’s and made billions of dollars for Michael Dell and Bill Gates.

Sometimes the best price or the best product is NOT what people want. They want easy and safe transactions, they want interchangeable and compatible equipment, they want Bing god damn it.

Bing there’s a difference between what you and I are talking about. What you’re bringing up, in my eyes falls under importation. That also adds value, because it removes hassles, random brokerage charges, etc…
What I am talking about, is just plain flipping. When someone buys items, on SON, or other car forums, or wherever, to re-sell at a profit. In my eyes, that is borderline immoral, since they did nothing to earn that money. Not only that, the people they are profiting from, are the people they supposedly share a passion with. If someone is an enthusiast, then they care about helping out and contributing to the scene in some way. Bringing in products from Japan or wherever does that. Buying those same products when someone’s GF gets pregnant (fictional example) for dirt cheap and then reselling them for a profit… That’s just gay. You’re profiting off of someone’s misfortune.

I pmed you trying to clear this up last month
you obviously declined with a ‘no response’

You make irrelevant comments towards me when you get chance.
I’m sure there are a few people with your mentality, but they choose to keep it to themselves.

“I have nothing more to say about you tim”
and you still havent told me why you have been saying to much to begin with.

IS it seriously a case of taking a wrong turn?

yes yes tim sucks cuz he makes money , bing is awsome cuz he makes money and is pretty while doing it , and antonio makes no money because he feels that the fundamental basics of bussiness and profit are immoral and do not conform with his vision of the furtherment of this sport that he loves ,

mikey is gay , i like sprite , and fobwall is an attention loving whore

will everybody just meet in a parking lot and fist this out , u sound like a bunch of fucking homos