Asthmatic Crew:

Got a question for you. I have had it all my life and Im debating on getting one of those “hypo” allegernic dogs and I know its mostly "oodle mixes and I know a few other breeds to but thats only part of this. I was debating on getting “shots” to help maybe boost my ability to not have reactions to them and Im wondering if any of you have had it and noticed a difference. I know a few people who have gotten those “designer dogs” and had inital reactions but it faded away and some who got normal dogs and got the shots an have been fine.
Has anyone had them and if you do what kind of dog do you have? Im looking at maybe a 2 dog purchase sometime in the future and thats one for me and one for the wife.
Before its asked yes my asthma is in control on some meds I take and I have minimal if ever flare ups.

From what I hear there is really no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. I get used to dogs after a day or so of a little labored breathing. Cats… kill me.

Get around a few dogs and see what kind bother you. Best to test it out that way.

I have astma. I’m allergic to pet dander and I have a Lab.
At one point, I had a cat and a dog.

Im planning to make an appointment with an allergist to get deeper into detail medically about all this.

Also yes i do know they arent 0 dander animals they still have some but a much less level of it. But based on my past exp I touch a husky and then my face and bam i break out, goldendoodle a few months back and nothing. So i am looking more into the so called designer/hypo area based on that. But if the shots work then that will open a whole new catagorey to me.

And I just want to know drvnkd that have you been tested to find out your levels/ triggers? I mean you can be asthmatic and have a non reaction to animal dander. It could be just dust or physically induced etc…

I have been tested before and dogs were much lower then cats for me. I kinda want to bug a few friends with dogs im contemplating getting and hang around them and interact for a extended time.

this is ahorrable idea

i have to say- cats destroy me, like wreck my face. my gf’s house with an english bulldog and a yellow lab beats me up as well, the only thing that doesnt hurt me is my parents house, they have a purebred shitzu. but thats a faggot dog. you dont want a faggot dog, do you?

this is a horrable idea

i have to say- cats destroy me, like wreck my face. my gf’s house with an english bulldog and a yellow lab beats me up as well, the only thing that doesnt hurt me is my parents house, they have a purebred shitzu. but thats a faggot dog. you dont want a faggot dog, do you?

I have a chihuahua, no symptoms of asthma ever from handling him or being around him. He’s cool, and lovely to pick up some chicks with…lol

Thats exactly why im debating the shot deal. I can get the dog I would like and it would open up a whole new choice area for me. Queer as is it sounds i wouldnt mind a goldendoodle or labradoodle. Good size dog and still bordering “normal”.

I know those are just some of them , but what I am assuming is nobody has gone thru this?

My son’s asthma was bad when we had our yellow lab, she was old and got sick, we had to put her down. For about a year with no pets, no problems never used his nebulizer(sp?) once. We did end up trying a cat, now we have three, they don’t bother him at all. We talked with the vet and his doc, they did suggest a Golden Doodle or a Terrier. We got a Terrier from the SPCA and he has not had any issues yet.

dude get a fox terrier… you seemed ok around mine

Yeah your dog seems to be ok, I kinda want something bigger and she wants something his size. Its still a process im looking into but im not sure because I hear its alot of rashing up and general discomfort i that dont want. Lemme know when you got some time to chill, I would like to get more exposure to him and see what happens.

We had a few Dobermans that never bothered my Asthmatic dad - awesome dogs.

Thanks for chiming in guys I am making notes of all this to check out these breeds. Every person seems to react differently and I gotta make sure thatI can give the dog the home it deserves, I will NOT get one and then rehome it, thats not the kinda person I am.

But thanks again everyone

I went to an allergy Dr a year ago…
The shots are expensive and take YEARS. Thats right… It is a good solution, but takes years of Dr visits. Every two weeks I believe.

I was allergic to damn near everything she pricked me with.
The ones that I did not break out from she retested with a higher dose under the skin until I did.

Also, I’m willing to bet most ALL allergy Dr’s have the same speech. Try to avoid pets and at the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, keep them out of your bedroom. Did I mention the wifes old cat would only sleep on MY pillow :picard:

Its the dander that gets me. If I’m around a dog that gets a lot of bath’s I’m not nearly as bad as when I’m around a mangy dog.

The in laws have an 18 y/o bichon… it never really bothers me unless i rub my eyes or something.

Its a lot better now that I take Advair. Until I die an asthma related death… that will suck. breeds hypoallergenic dogs and cats f’real…prob cost way more than you want thoguh unfortunately

$120,000 for a protection dog…

That seems a little pricey for dog. Will they at least train it to get beer protect said beer in refrigerator?

for that much the dog better be making me dinner walking himself cleanin up his own shit and then some. Im kinda willing to be more like around 1000. And as much as i would love to adopt I just dont see it being an option. and thanks drv’ I had been doing more research into shots and Im not goin to get them. To many if’s and I also dont want needles every 2 weeks

i got shots fora year and didnt do a damn thing. cats and grass bother me, most dogs do but my boxer dosent bother me a bit