AT&T Signal issues.

I have AT&T.
I live in the middle of no where.
AT&T Says my area has good coverage.
I go down the street about 1 mile, and I get full 5 bar/3G service.
In my house I get No service/1 bar.
If I walk outside my house, and go about 100ft in my backyard, I get 1/2 bars, and sometimes no service (usually have service even if I can’t understand anything people are saying)

What kind of options do I have?
A buddy I used to work with, said AT&T Gave him a free 3G Microcell because he lives in an area of limited coverage.
But I live in an area where I’m supposed to be covered…?
I’m not the Primary on the account so the address is located in 14086 (Lancaster). Plus I don’t have access to the wireless account, so I can’t email AT&T to ask them, because they don’t give email tech support to people who can’t log in apparently?
I can’t call them, because trying to hold a conversation with someone out here is ridiculous.

Should I just suck it up and buy a Microcell? They’re $200 iirc.

I’ve got a buddy who wants to sell a microcell AT&T sent him and he never took out of the box. I can find out how much he wants for it if you want.

It’s going to be tough for you to get much help from AT&T since it sounds like you have no real rights to the account. If the person who owns it isn’t willing to help you out and make the calls to try and get a free microcell it sounds like you don’t have a lot of options.

Please do find out.
I think even if I do get in contact with AT&T they’ll just say no, since the account holder is located in an excellent coverage zone (which it is, I never got below 5 bars/3G when I lived out that way).
I have a feeling they would just think I’m trying to scam them out of a free microcell or something along those lines.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure he only got one for free because he spent a lot of time with tech support over dropped calls. Then by the time he got it the problem had stopped. I sent him an email to see what he wants for it.

I would call ATT. If you show on a map where you live and you are not getting the coverage, then they should try to rectify the issue. Hope the account address doesn’t matter as you are still on a map where it shows coverage but there isnt.

$75 for the microcell based on his assumption that they’re $150 new. If they’re less he’ll go 1/2 retail. Be aware that it looks like you still need to activate it with AT&T based on the quick reading I just did.

Yeah, I’ll give AT&T a call tomorrow when I’m at work and see what they say.
I was thinking about calling them now, just so I can annoy the crap out of them and show them how terrible the service really is.
But then I figure I’d get dropped sooner or later, then have to start all over… causing me a major headache.

If they won’t send me one, I’ll take his for 75.

Yeah, worth calling for sure. Let me know if you want it and I’ll get you my friends contact info.

I got released from one of my two lines one year into a 2 year, and paid $50 to terminate the contract on the second since it was nearly end of term, if you’re very nice with them, and say you don’t want to leave but are forced to due to working where you need the phone to work, and go about it the right way and ask what needs to be done, how much to terminate the contract and not act like you’re expecting to get out of it scott free, you might be surprised. I was a 10 year customer and was sick of AT&T sucking in WNY. The people you’d be speaking with are the ones who deal with people who don’t ever pay their bill, and are calling to turn their shit back on, they’re happy to talk with someone who isn’t full of excuses from the sounds of it. That’s what I did to switch to verizon.

Shameless post, and i cant help at all with ATT, but if it gets to that point I can make the change to VZW seamless and problem free.

(assuming VZW would fix your signal issues…)

this. ive had at&t for 4 years, my parents for 8. i had an issue with one of my phones, called them and the guy on the other end spent an hour and a half trying to help out, and then when he couldn’t, i ended up with credit at the store. call and be polite and you should have no issues.

Thanks guys.
I’ll see what they say.

Girlfriend has VZW, and always has full signal here. :expressionless:

we don’t get tmobile coverage at my dads house . they waived all of his roaming charges every month and allowed him to terminate his contract so that he could switch to verizon. they showed coverage in the area, but we get absolutely none. probably the same thing would happen, except it’s not your account so that stinks :stuck_out_tongue:

but if u spend a majority of your time there (which you do because you live there lol) im sure they will help you out

I’m assuming you’re currently added on a “family line” on someone’s plan since you mentioned you didn’t have authorization to even go through support?

you’ll need the last four digits of their SSN. although you can get added on to have permission online.

Yes sir, my dad is the primary actually.
I don’t want to bother him with it, but I’ll try calling and see what that gets me.
A lot of the times when I used to have to call Adelphia (this is back… when cable first came in to lancaster), or something similar, I would just say that I’m him and do what I needed done.
But now when you call up somewhere you have to give them every last bit of info about yourself, including what you had for breakfast… So I don’t bother any more… Not as easy as it used to be.

But yeah, in order for you to even email or chat online with them, you need to log in.
To sign up for which… I need some social digits, and like I said I don’t want to pester -.-

After you mentioned this, I’m actually an authorized user on the account…
Don’t quite know how that plays in to anything online though.

---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ----------

While looking to find out my towns elevation, I found this…

Sprint, Tmobile, VZW all have towers here, but not AT&T lol.

AT&T sucks here locally… unless you’re in the burbs, you’re SOL. I never had a problem with it until I moved back and I gave up and had to switch.

I have never had a problem with it. I have been on ATT for years and always had good service anywhere I have lived in Buffalo. Amherst, South towns, city, and even driving around having data stream constantly. The only issues I have had have been in really remote areas like by the lake in Indiana or mountains in Vermont which I really can’t complain about.

I had terrible service in the tri-county area, anywhere in the hills between holland, colden, glenwood, boston, concord, springville… there’s next to nothing down there.