Early termination (vzw) due to lack of service

Here’s my predicament. I love VZW. I have (had) service everywhere. I currently have full bars at my house, but when I’m at work (10 hours + a day) I have NO service. AT ALL.

My buddy had sprint and he called them and they waived the early term fee, but he also didn’t get service at his residence.
I’d really like to avoid the fee, idk if they will give me shit because I get service at my residence. Anyone with any experience with this?

BTW, I’d be going to AT&T and picking up the Iphone… Not too excited because I like my crack berry,but it’s usless when I’m at work.

the torch on at&t is awesome. ive got it.
call and see what they say. tell them that the time when you use your phone the most you have no service.

When i left Sprint they tried to charge me $250… so I went through my last 2 years of invoices and found $300 in overcharges… so they canceled my service and sent me a check for $50.

I did this twice. I told T-mobile and vzw that I moved to Oswegatchie NY (tiny town about 2miles from Star Lake up in the daks), and was renting a house up there. My buddy has a house there, so I just used that as the new address. Both of the companies verified that there was indeed no coverage there, and waived the fee. I think I had to fax over copy of an electric bill or something, which was no big deal, as my friend was able to provide me with one. Since I was “renting” it didn’t matter that his name was on the bill, they just needed to see the address. EA Scammer styles!

Funny thing, I have AT&T now and my iPhone 4 actually works at the house/land up there. I’m sure it’s because I have an iPhone 4 and it prints fucking money for me as well! Like how I went out of my way to make sure I pointed out it’s an iPhone 4!!!111!! Lol.

when i left tblowme i had to pay. i was on the fone for hours standing at a tmobile store arguing with the scumbag on the fone about the service not working at either of my houses, or work.

didnt seem the care, tmobile is the biggest pile of shit phone company ever. I fucking love cricket, the service isnt great, but it works when needed, and its easy as not paying your last bill / phones off .

its worth a shot, just make sure if you want to take your number with you they dont cancel it on the spot

i had 47$ of data roaming on my upcoming bill now. i kind of dont want to pay it… so is there anything i can do lol? The roaming occured AT my house (well not my house, but the house of the persons name on the bill, but the bill gets sent to my address). It keeps bouncing back from Tmobile to rogers, which is bullshit because i can’t even use my phone at “my” house

AT&T let me go by waiving my contract 11 months ahead of time, and shortening the term on my second line, phone didn’t have reception where I was working out of and had a nice attitude about it on the phone with the woman. Told her I was reluctant and didn’t want to leave but had to, and wanted to know how much it was going to cost ect ect… she was so tired of dealing with people not paying their bills calling her bitching, that she was happy to help someone who has paid on time for ~10 years.

Agreed with Tmobile hated them when I had my sidekick. I been with Cricket for years. Ever since the merger and the partnership with sprint I have coverage everywhere I go. I had a BB storm with them now using their new 'droid phone and couldnt be happier. No contracts FTW!

Heads up any of the Moto droids will have a lot stronger reception than any BB out there, might be worth checking into. Also as far as your ETF goes it’s going to be where the bill goes to and which case your primary address the phone works fine.

I own part of a premium verizon retailer, rare case big red will have an issue with coverage but they are usually fairly lenient if you can produce proof of an address (may need to change to your work address)which if you plead your case with a supervisor they may or may not make an exception for you.

Worst case, you can always get a network extender assuming where you work you have access to any broadband internet.

A friend of mine was just talking about this last night. He was saying come Jan 1st some of the taxes and fees will be changing and any change gives you an opportunity to opt out of your contract. He’s usually very knowledgeable about these things but I’ll admit I’ve never heard of this.

Wrong thread

Did someone in here just say roaming? lol.


update on this.

I call verizon, they tell me basically to fuck off and charge me $150 for the termination.
I go to AT&T, buy a 32g IPhone4 with all sorts of shit, they waive the start up fee…the girl who sets everything up for me is some really hot fillipino…so I ask her out. She shuts me down with the “sorry I would but I have a BF”

This Iphone is legit as shit though so I’m happy.

She shut you down? You just bought an iPhone! I say go back tomorrow and try again lol.

tell her her boyfriend doesn’t have to find out.

Snky snky FTW.

Did you try PIITB on her before asking her out?
They need to know who is in charge.

Her: I have a boyfriend.
Me: I have a goldfish.
Her: What?
Me: Oh, sorry… I thought we were talking about shit that didnt matter.