early termination v. Tmobile

okay i tried everythign to get out without the early termination fee.
Phone not working at my house ect.
Complained about everything I could, said I couldnt pay the bill ect.
The the service manager or whutever ( I got the highest ranked person that was there today and he was a fucking faggot.)
Basically because Ive had the phone like 15 months, They wont cancel me without paying the fee.
Now recently to get my bill down i renewed to change my rate plan or whatever, so its not like I could just ride this out.

Any way to get me out of this?
And can somebody shit in that guys mailbox, thanks

Ask them to send you a different phone. At most its the Provider and the Cell Phone that can get you the best service.

here an example: I have AT&T and I have a Iphone. It works perfectly at my house. My mother had Motorola L6 and when she visited it didn’t work. Now she has a Razor and still doesn’t work. I also had a Nokia (something phone) it worked and still have a Sony Ericsson and that phone works.

All the phone I listed were AT&T phones.

Motorolas have such shitty reception.

Out of curiosity, why did you wait 15mo to complain about terrible reception? No wonder they won’t let you out. I would think you were a lying sack of shit that just wanted out of your contract.

I complained right along i was miss informed that they would keep my security deposit if i tried to cancel.
So once I got that back i had finally had it with the service.
Its time for a cricket.

You think cricket is gonna have better service?


Da shto ti govarish? :lol:

T-mobile will be increasing their text message from .15 to .20 this August i believed. You can call them up and stating that you want to opt out without ET.

То не русско, вы НЕУДАЧУ!

a ya nemogu tak petachati po ruskie

No i do not, actually every where my tmobile phone works my friends cricket works.

However cricket is 30$ a month cheaper and unlimited.
Its a much better deal.

You get what you pay for.

Edit: Огорченно что вы не понимаете мой язык.

I guess, for everytime my phone hasnt worked and a cricket has, its saved my ass more then once. Tmobile is the hands down worse phone company ive ever had.
I’d like verizon, but Im not signing another contract

Well good luck.

SMS rates going up!
DarkJedi on June 24th, 2008 | File Under Miscellaneous -

Well T-mobile gave us an ETF adjustment this week and now they grace us with an sms increase. Thats right all you casual texters, starting August 29th T-mobile joins the ranks of #1, 2 and 3 and raises their pay per use rate to $.20! As expected this plays out for both postpaid and flexpay customers. Keep in mind this pay per use rate increase affects mms messaging as well, all messaging in fact. Expect to see inserts in your billing starting later this month alerting you to the change. No word on yet on whether or not this is a contract kill though I am sure those who are verbally crafty will figure out the way to get er done.

I can’t say with 100% positivity but I do believe prepaid customers are not subject to this increase. They only mean to charge more to the customers who really matter, us post paid folks. I suppose a price increase is exactly what we need to pay for the recently deployed, soon to be deployed, will be deployed before the next century 3G network.

Will any of our benevolent readers try and escape the chains of T-mobile bondage with this price increase? Sound off in the comments if you are able to successfully null and void your contract.

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35 Comments Phone launches…android delays? ETF reduction!
DarkJedi on June 23rd, 2008 | File Under Miscellaneous - Well as our count down plug in has indicated for some time now we have reached d-day for the Nokia 6301 and Samsung SGH-T339. Yawn. Both phones are as expected, myfaves, hotspot at home compatible, voicemail, number pad etc. The nokia has a 2 megapixel camera and the Samsung has a 1.3 megapixel camera. Honestly, what does anyone want me to write about these two phones? The Nokia has an FM radio! Score! Ok I’m already bored by these two launches. Moving on.

Big news of the day comes via T-mobile yet again. Introducing ETF’s that decline, NOT pro-rate but decline. Expect changes to happen on June 28, 2008 and expect this to be for customes who sign contracts on or after that date.

Quick breakdown:

Days left in contract:

180+: $200
180-91: $100
90-30: $50
29-1: $50 or monthly rate, whichever is less.

While this is a step in the right direction, it differs from the recent activity by ATT and the past year or so from Verizon whose ETF’s prorate. Each month passed on a contract causes a 5 dollar reduction in the ETF cost with both companies starting at the $175 mark. While I could understand that not everyone we see things this way, I do see this as a positive step and in the right direction. Any reduction of the fee is a good thing and should be welcomed with open arms. While we all pray for the day that these fees die a slow and miserable death, for the moment I’ll take what I can get.

Next, I just want to clarify this whole Android “debacle” making the news rounds today. The reality yesterday was still the same as is the reality today, T-mobile should expect a device in the 4th quarter. Today’s headlines show that Google is having some software difficulties along with specific carrier requests that could cause a delay in the release. T-mobile doesn’t seem to be subject to this and while the article specifies that T-mobile is sucking up alot of google juice, the release calender still seems to be 4th quarter, as it has always been.

On a side note, sorry this news comes pretty late in the day and without a lot of substance. It’s only a quick plug for our forum because there are continuing discussions on all these topics over there anyway. See I just got back from a bachelor party yesterday and I look like a cherry so most of the day was spent wallowing in pain and agony. Therefore, the news comes slow today. Deal with it, I’m hurting.

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2 Comments Feature suggestion… we need your help
Mystictrust on June 21st, 2008 | File Under Site Announcements - TmoNews is working on coming up with some fresh, new ideas for this blog that will ROCK. YOUR. WORLD… or, at least keep things a little more interesting around here. And just to get it out of the way, blog news is NOT coming to a halt and we will NOT stop bringing you news, that is coming back soon. We’re more interested in what you all might have to say about features then just churning out a bunch of fluff that you’d rather not see, so for now we’ll be taking suggestions and gauging opinions on things we may be thinking of implementing.

So how do I suggest a feature for TmoNews?
Easy, just select the “Comments” at the bottom of this news post. Then fill out the form and get your suggestion out there. We also have a forum thread for those of you that browse our forums regularly and would rather get involved in any discussions that start up there.

What ideas you guys are thinking of so I can comment on them?
Sure. Something we thought might be interesting to try out is phone/device reviews. Yes, there are many websites out there with reviews on phones galore but there aren’t too many that have a focus solely on T-Mobile devices or unlocked phones and how they fare on the T-Mobile network. These reviews could be largely user-submitted so you, the reader, could get your review put up at TmoNews - they would, however, be edited if necessary for grammar and need to include some personal pictures of the device. Humor is also very well appreciated, as everyone loves to laugh, and that’d bring some fun to reading reviews. Also, if someone here at TmoNews gets their hands on a fairly new T-Mobile device then no doubt we’ll be reviewing it for everyone! Oh and yes, these reviews would be sorted largely by release date, so all you’d have to do is go to the review section and you’d see a picture and name right there of the phone/device most recently offered by T-Mobile (and a seperate category for reviews of unlocked devices).

What about a compendium of information chock full of nothing but T-Mobile… deciphered? You know, not only would it include information on H@H (or T-Mobile@Home, whatever it’s gonna be called now) and myfaves and things like that, but would provide easy to find [and understand] answers to commonly asked plan/device questions, such as information on upgrading/discounts, what to do if you go over on minutes/text, unlocking phones and what that really means, differences on services such as Hotspot@Home I vs Hotspot@Home II, international roaming with H@H, plan and phone information, fine print in an easy to read format; pretty much like a Wiki, but in a very easy to read format for everyone, something you could guide your parents to if they have any questions about T-Mobile and their services/phone/policies [I know my mom comes to me first with any questions, and she doesn’t know how to use forums]. This would also have user submission… and since it wouldn’t be a wiki, we’d have a form to submit content suggestions and such.

Contests and giveaways could also be offered in the future, but we’ll have to wait to see about that until we get our news going again and a slightly more active community in the comments in the blog and on the forums.

Your ideas suck. Mine are better
Great, well we’d love to hear them… post in the comments below. And then, uh, tell us what sucks about our ideas… maybe they can be improved with your help. We’re all about the T-Mobile community here, and we’ve all just got to STICK TOGETHER (sorry, couldn’t resist)

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14 Comments Dearest fans
Mystictrust on June 19th, 2008 | File Under Site Announcements -

Attention one and all, I think its time we level with our adoring public. We as the owners and administrators of this website have thought long and hard about how to best come forward to discuss our recent activity or lack thereof. We love our readers, we really do (plz don’t stalk us now), and its our only wish to bring you the very best of T-mobile news every day. Unfortunately, we have been hindered as of late and here is why: Some of the content featured on this site had become a bit of an issue with some very important people who made themselves known once it had been posted. Out of interest to them, and in respect to certain levels of confidentiality we’re sure T-Mobile wishes to keep, some of our content needs to be… carefully tendered, past, present, and future.

If anything, we hope to bring attention and garner excitement for the new products and services our beloved carrier is launching/discussing/working on etc. We hope in the very near future to be able to continue to bring all of you the very latest in T-mobile news.

Stay with us, we are still here, we are still working. Things might be a little slower than our followers are used to but rest assured we feel the pain and agony as much as you. The forums are still alive, still kicking and still the happening place to be to discuss all the T-mobile news you want.

Your love and support has been both appreciated and adored, it has not gone unnoticed. All that T-Mobile news you thirst for is coming, just give us some time to bring it all back.

Oh, and on a personal note, I like cheese with my wine and bagels with lox. Just throwin’ that out there.

Update: We would just like to note that the very important people mentioned above were in no way, in our opinion, overstepping their boundaries or being absurd or “stupid.” We in no way blame them for what they did. TmoNews will continue to bring you the best information on T-mobile. We ask that our users do not jump to conclusions, and do not blame people for mistakes that we take full responsibility for.

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24 Comments Some 3G phone love!
DarkJedi on June 18th, 2008 | File Under Sony Ericsson Bella, T-mobile 3G - Well thank goodness for FCC release details. Phonescoop has given us what is quite possibly the best news we have come across in a while. Drum roll please, we have the Sony Ericsson TM 506. Now, our info matches this up with this phone being the Bella we have been mouth watering over for some time. Of course the only thing that truly matters is that the phonescoop article points out the most important fact of all, it has 1700/2100 WCDMA frequencies AND its T-mobile branded of course. Nothing concrete seems to be gained from these documents of course with 3G frequencies we can dream about data love. Sony Ericsson how we have missed thee. Of course all this is speculation until we see official documentation but for now, we’ll revel in the moment.

Check out the photo after the jump.

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SMS rates going up!
DarkJedi on June 24th, 2008 | File Under Miscellaneous -

Well T-mobile gave us an ETF adjustment this week and now they grace us with an sms increase. Thats right all you casual texters, starting August 29th T-mobile joins the ranks of #1, 2 and 3 and raises their pay per use rate to $.20! As expected this plays out for both postpaid and flexpay customers. Keep in mind this pay per use rate increase affects mms messaging as well, all messaging in fact. Expect to see inserts in your billing starting later this month alerting you to the change. No word on yet on whether or not this is a contract kill though I am sure those who are verbally crafty will figure out the way to get er done.

I can’t say with 100% positivity but I do believe prepaid customers are not subject to this increase. They only mean to charge more to the customers who really matter, us post paid folks. I suppose a price increase is exactly what we need to pay for the recently deployed, soon to be deployed, will be deployed before the next century 3G network.

Will any of our benevolent readers try and escape the chains of T-mobile bondage with this price increase? Sound off in the comments if you are able to successfully null and void your contract.

my contract is up august 7th, thank god!

verizon here i come

So id have to wait until august? yeah thats not gonna happen, someone buy my sidekick so i can sue some of the cash to pay this 200$ cancelation fee


More info on this text messaging going up! Do we have to wait till August?